Meeting His Mom.

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Kelly POV

I wake up the next morning on time. "Blaze, Gray, where are y'all?" I start looking all over my room for Blaze and Gray. I start to get worry and scared for them.

My phone starts ringing, "Hello."

"Come to my room." Michael says and hangs up as soon as he finish talking. I look at the phone confusingly and then head to his room. I knock on the door, "Come in."

Michael is laying on his stomach and his head is facing the windows, "Blaze and Gray somehow snuck in here last night." I give him a confused look and seconds later Blaze and Gray climbs on top of Michael back. My eyes widen, "I am so sorry! I don't know how they got in here!"

I walk over to his bed to get them, but his bed is to big and he is laying in the middle. I call them over, but they continue playing on Michael head.

I let out a soft laugh and cover it up with a cough. "Don't try to hide your laugh now. I knew they were in here, I just didn't feel like calling you to get them. And plus they were both asleep when I found them in here, so I just put them on my bed."

My eyes widen at the fact that he didn't start fussing about them being in his room. He gets off the bed and stretch, he has on a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt.

"We're not going to work today. You have to meet my mom." I freeze as I climb onto his bed, "What?! Why now?! We just started dating!"

He picks Gray off the floor and puts her back on the bed, she fell off while trying to follow him. "To my mother and the rest of my family we have been dating for almost a year, so meaning nine or ten months."

"We will tell her how we met and she will ask you questions and other things." I put my face in one of his pillows and let out a loud, muffle scream. "Wait, I thought your family live in California. What is your mom doing in Texas?"

He goes in the bathroom and answers me from there, "She got so excited when I told her I have a girlfriend, she said she wants to meet you right away."

"What if she don't like me? Will she hate me because I'm black?" He comes out the bathroom and gives me a weird look. "My family is not racist, stop worrying and calm down."

I nod my head and continue playing with Blaze and Gray, "Go and get dress, we need to get know each other better." I let out a slight groan and get off of his bed, "How big is his bed? I can barely get down off of the thing." I say to myself as I struggle to get off Michael bed.

I go back in my room and get dress and ready.

Thirty minutes later I head downstairs along with Blaze and Gray. They are trying to get down the steps by themselves for the first time.

"You even wear suits when you're about to see your mom?" He shrugs his shoulders and calls me over to the couch.

"We have to make this relationship as real as possible, so let's get to know each other and go meet up with my mom." I nod my head and look at my hands.

"Ugh! Kelly stop being scared, everything is going to be okay. Now let's get this over with."

Mike POV and an hour later

"We will be going to meet my mom in a hour or two." I say to Kelly as we stand up from the couch.

"What do we do now?" I look at her and then at my phone. "How about we go out and do something? We have to have pictures of us on a date or something."

She is putting Gray collar back on, she took it off on her own. "So this will be a date then?" She smiles from ear to ear, "No, we will just be hanging out. Don't consider this as a date."

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