A New Me.

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Mike POV

"How are we going to make it public?" I can tell she is nervous, "We are going to hold hands out in public and I will might have to kiss you." Her eyes widen at first, but then she nods her head. "What will we tell them how we met?"

"You spilt a drink on me and less than an hour later you hit my car and we got in a argument about it." She nods her head and shows me a little smile, "That's about true."

My text tone on my phone goes off, I look at my phone and sigh in frustration. "Change of plans we can't make make it public. Something at work has come up." She gives me a confused look, "A lot of work about a couple of my businesses popped up, so we will be working in my office upstairs for a while."

Meow Meow. I look down at my leg and see the cat crawling up my leg crying, "Gray! Stop doing that before he kick us out!" She hurries towards me to get the cat off my leg. "I'm sorry. I'm guessing she is taking a liking to you." She gives me a small, nervous smile.

"Kelly, how many followers on Instagram do you have?" She goes to the side of her bed and grabs her phone, "I have like 100k now, because of you and Ethan." I arch my eyebrow at her, "Ethan? What did he do?"

"He shouted me out yesterday." The puppy runs up to me, I bend down and pet it, "Blaze is a good name for him." She looks at me with wide eyes, "Thank you. I actually named him to the point where I think you would like it."

"Well, I like the name very much." She shows me a big smile, "Do I need to clean your office?" She is in her closet looking for something to wear, "You can clean it later, and you don't have to dress up whenever we go upstairs to work."

I go to my room and change into one of my suits, I go to the third floor and head to my office. "Greg, what are you doing in here?" He plays a small smile on his face, "Kelly had got lost again, so I am waiting for her to show up."

Ten minutes later Kelly comes in the office, "I told you I will found my way without you, Greg." I glare at Kelly, "After ten whole minutes. While you was finding your way, your work has been piling up." Her eyes widen at the stack of papers on my desk.

"Get to work, unless you want to be here all night." She grabs the papers and look around, "Where do you want me to work at?" I let out a long sigh, "Pull a chair up and work on the other side of my desk. I forgot to buy a desk for you." I start to clean the front of my desk off and she pulls up a chair and sits in front of me.

Two hours later

"Okay, that will be it for the day. We will finish the rest at the office tomorrow." She stands up and stretch. "Is Greg still here?" I rub my face and stand up. "No, why?" She shrugs her shoulders and follows me out the office.

"I want him to meet Blaze and Gray." I stop walking and she bumps into my back, "Ow! This is like the second time this has happened." She holds her nose, "He will be here later though. Go take Blaze and Gray outside."

She nods her head and go downstairs to her room. A couple minutes later I hear a scream, "Ah! You have a garden! It's like a maze!" I rush downstairs to the patio, "What happen and why are you screaming?"

She looks at me with a big smile, "You have a huge garden! I didn't see this last night." I glare at her, "Did you really have to scream that out?" Her smile drops and she goes to play with the two animals.

I look over at the cat and she is playing by the fountain, "Kelly she is about to fa-." Before I could finish, the cat falls into the fountain, "Ah! Oh My God!" Kelly starts laughing at the wet kitten.

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