Chapter 2

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*****Ava Paige****
"Ma'am there has been an emergency meeting scheduled, requiring your attendance." One of the new assistants informed Ava.
"What is this all about?" Ava questioned the young man as she took some papers from his hands and read over them.

Subject Overview:
Subject: B11 (Rosie)
Age: 17
Elli (Mother) DECEASED
Robert ( Father) DECEASED
Thomas (Sibling) ALIVE
Status: Immune

"Subject B11? What's going on?" Ava continued to question, annoyed that she wasn't getting any answers. The young man fidgeted around before answering his boss.
"Something happened, ma'am. Subject A2 sent subject B11 into Maze A." The assistant said before Ava stormed out of her office and down the white hallways; bursting through two large white doors, to which contained four WICKED officials and Thomas.
"What's happened?" Ava asked sternly, looking straight at Thomas.
"Good afternoon Chancellor Paige, it's good to see you again. We have called this meeting today to talk..." One of the doctors began, before being cut off.
"Just get straight to the point Dr. Anderson." Ava said as she took her seat at the very end of the oval table.
"We have had a breach in Maze A, as I'm sure you have doubtlessly heard." Dr. Anderson explained with an urgency to her tone.
"Yes, I have. Now tell me, how did this happen?" She asked, directing the question to Thomas, however  the doctor explained.
"Thomas here was granted the opportunity to perform the Swipe on subject B11 and prepare her for insertion into Maze B, however she was sent up to Maze A instead." Dr. Anderson explained, sending Thomas a condescending glance.
"Why did you do it Thomas?" Ava questioned, shocked that her most trusted subject betrayed WICKED.
"I couldn't just let her be sent into Maze B and forget about Newt. Everyone saw how those two were like with each other. With Rosie in Maze A, there is a chance that she can remember him, and they can continue what they had here. Think of the killzone patterns!" Thomas made up excuses. Deep down he knew why he did it. Not for WICKED, or the cure; but for the love he had for his sister.
She doesn't deserve any of this, the least I can do is reunite her with her love and hope, Newt. Thomas thought to himself.
"That is still no excuse, Thomas. This is the fate of the human race we are talking about! You can't just send subjects into different mazes without discussion." Ava scolded Thomas.
"What will you have us do with subject B11, ma'am?" Dr. Anderson asked.
"Any observations of her yet?" Ava questioned through an exasperated sigh while she rubbed her temples.
"She has provided us with tremendous killzone patterns. More than we have gathered from any subject before. Not to mention the other subjects from Maze A's killzones. This is the most data we have recorded since the beginning of the Maze Trials." Another doctor said while he looked over numerous papers.
"We will leave her in there. For now." And with that, Ava stood up and left the room.
"Where am I?" I whispered as I spun around to face Newt. He held my shoulders firmly, ensuring I don't run away; something that seemed impossible to my body right now.
"This is called the Glade, Greenie." Newt replied, looking into my eyes; searching for any sign that I might run.
"I'm not going to run away. You can let go of me." I huffed as I squirmed out of his grasp.
"Sorry Greenie. Just a habit." Newt apologised as his hands dropped to his side.
"And what's a Greenie, and why do you keep calling me that?" Newt brought one of his hands up and scratched the back of his neck.
"It's just some slang we use here. Each new person to come up from that box is called the Greenie. Look, why don't you follow me, I'll take you to your sleeping quarters." I looked around the 'Glade' once more before returning my gaze back to Newt.
"Alright, but only if you promise to start giving me answers as soon as we're there." I negotiated. A smirk crept onto Newt's face as he thought for a moment.
"You've got yourself a deal, Greenie. You know, your probably one of the smartest and calmest shanks to come up through that bloody box." Newt remarked as he spun around on his heels and began to walk towards a large wooden structure. I couldn't help the satisfied look that crossed my face as I followed after Newt, however it quickly vanished as my eyes passed over the tall concrete walls, and the feeling of confinement settled deep in my stomach.

I silently followed a couple of steps behind Newt as we continued to the wooden building that looked to have a few levels.
"This is what we call the Homestead." Newt said over his shoulder as we entered the building. As soon as I walked through the creaky doors, my nose was assaulted by the strong smell of sweat and dirt, and I scrunched my nose up in disgust.
The smell didn't even seem to effect Newt as he made his way up a set of stairs. I followed him up the stairs; more than happy to escape the smell.
"Is this where everyone sleeps?" I asked Newt once we reached the top of the stairs.
"No, most of us sleep outside in sleeping bags. Only the Keepers and those in command get the luxury of a bed. You get to sleep in here seeing as your the only buggin' girl, and I don't trust half those shanks out there." Newt said half joking with a laugh.

We walked side by side down a long hallway, doors scattered along both sides. We finally reached the very end of the hallway, where two doors were placed adjacent from each other.
"What's a Keeper?" I asked, the language seriously confusing me.
"Well, the Glader's are separated into sections by their job. We have the Medjack's, who are kind of like out doctors, Trackhoes: the gardener's and so on. Each group has a leader of soughts, which we call the Keepers." Newt explained as he twisted the brass doorknob of the door to the left.
The door swung open silently, revealing inside what seemed to be a bedroom. The room was small; with a narrow bed in the corner, a window in the middle of the far wall, a small wooden desk in another corner, and finally a little dresser along one of the far walls.
"So what are you?" I asked inquisitively as I stepped into the room to inspect it further.
A sudden look of pain and sadness flashed over Newt's face momentarily, before he quickly covered it up.
"Well I was the Keeper of the Runners, until I recently got a promotion of soughts. I'm now Second in Command." He announced with a proud grin.
"Wait, what's a Runner?"
"Well it's one of the jobs here. I'm sure you saw those walls, but beyond them is what we call the Maze. The smartest, strongest and bravest of us are elected as Runner's, and each day they go out there and map the Maze; trying to find a way out." I sat down on the bed while my mind tried to process everything. I just sat there shocked before another question came to mind.
"So I really am the first girl here, aren't I?" I looked up at Newt, positive he could see the sadness and loneliness in my eyes alone.
A sympathetic look crossed over Newt's face as he crossed the room and sat beside me.
"Yes, you are the first. And no, we don't know why. For the past two years, on the same day each month, one unlucky  shank has been sent up through the Box, and every time they were a guy. You kind of have everyone on edge a little, but don't let them bother you, alright?" Newt asked while he played with his hands. I nodded my head yes, looking down at my own hands.
How could any of this be true? How is any of this even possible?
"It's getting pretty late. Why don't we go get some dinner, yeah?" Newt asked, clearly trying to get my mind off things.
"Ah yeah, okay. Hey, Newt?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yeah Greenie?"
"I know this sounds stupid, but do you mind if I just stick with you for a while? I don't really trust or like anyone else here aside from you." Newt stood from the bed and turned to face me, a puzzling look on his face.
"You trust me?"
"Well yeah, I guess. I mean, I figured we knew each other before all of this, and you seem nice and haven't done anything to make me not trust you." I explain, a little embarrassed.
"Ah thanks Greenie. And sure, stick with me for as long as you wish, and if anyone does anything to you, just let me know, okay?"
"Yeah, of course. Thanks Newt." I gave him a warm smile before walking out of the room, Newt close behind me.

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