Chapter 12

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Rosies P.O.V.

"Rosie!" Newt whisper yelled at me while shaking me awake.

"What?" I groaned in a sleepy voice, refusing to open my eyes in hopes of going back to sleep.

"We need to get up. Now." Newt responded in an urgent tone, urgent enough for me to finally open my eyes. At first, I was blinded by the bright morning light piercing my unadjusted eyes, until they finally came into focus. I was struck with confusion as I looked around and realised I wasn't in my room as I usually was when Newt woke me up for the day. Instead, I was laying in the short, green grass surrounded by tall trees with a gap in the middle where there was a clearing in the Deadheads.

"Why are we here Newt?" I asked, trying to recall the previous night, but coming up blank. I soon realised that my head wasn't on the grass like the rest of my body, and when I lifted it to look around, blood rushed to my cheeks. I realised that I slept with my head rested on Newts chest, which explained the pain in my neck.

"You insisted that we stay here last night and talk, and after a while I guess we both fell asleep." Newt replied, scratching the back of his neck with a small smirk as he sat up more.

"Oh, right. Damn, why did we have to skip dinner? Wait, why do we have to get up?" I asked, looking up at the sky to confirm my thoughts; no one but the Runners would be up because the doors haven't opened up yet.

"Because every morning, Minho goes for a jog around the Glade to warm up. His track kind of goes through here, and if I'm correct he will be here any minute." Newt answered, looking down at his special watch.

"And I'm still not seeing the issue with any of that that would cause you to wake me up so early." I complained, shooting Newt an annoyed look that he brushed off.

"Well would you like to explain why you and I were out here all night, and why you were sleeping with me?" Both mine and Newts cheeks turned bright red with his statement, and I couldn't help the small smirk appear on my lips as Newt frantically tried to rephrase his sentence.

"I ah didn't mean it like that, I um, you know. Oh, shuck it you know what I meant!" He huffed, throwing his hand in the air for emphasis.

"You did what now?" Minho's voice rang clear from behind us. I spun around in a blur to see Minho emerging from the shadows of the Deadheads, an evil smirk spread so far across his face it reached from one ear to the other. I felt my entire face burn red as I realised Minho had been listening the whole time.

"How long were you there, shank?" Newt asked, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

"Long enough to know that you two crazy teenagers should be put under supervision." Minho responded, stepping further into the light as he crossed his arms across his chest and looked down at us.

"We weren't doing anything, I swear. We were just sleeping." I spoke up, my cheeks burning brighter with each word. I couldn't even bring myself to look back at Newts face.

God how are we meant to act normally after this?

"Yeah, is that why Newt said you slept together?"

"Come on Minho! There was a reason we were trying to avoid you ya know?" Newt groaned, getting to his feet and brushing the dirt from his clothes. I followed suit, and brought myself to stand by Newt.

"Avoiding me? Now why would you not want to be in my beautiful presence?" Minho mocked my stance, and stuck his hip out with his hand on it. I heard Newt sigh loudly, and looked over to see him pinching the bridge of his nose.

"To avoid this exact conversation!" Newt said in an exasperated voice. Minho seemed to enjoying every moment of this.

"Don't you have to go run or something?" I asked, running my hand through my hair in attempt of smoothing it out.

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