Chapter 44

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The sun had settle over the walls, the excitement of the day fading away with it. Dinner had come and gone, an exciting meal of tender beef chunks accompanied by a range of vegetables.

But as much fun as the day had been, especially spending the entirety of it with Newt, it had to come to an end; as all good things must. It was time for bed, and the same thought played over and over in my mind; do I sleep in Newt's bed?

I know, it shouldn't have been this big of a deal, but something in me just wouldn't quit nagging to be responsible. But what was the big deal? It's not like we would be doing anything wrong; just innocently sleeping in the same bed, no more. But what is it lead to less innocent things? No, Newt wouldn't if I was uncomfortable.

"I'll do it," I blurted out before I changed my mind.
"I'm sorry?" Newt stared down at me with confusion clouding his eyes. With a quick glance around to assure myself no one was listening, I explained.
"I will sleep with you." I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks as I spoke.

I could see the glimmer of happiness and hope clear Newts dull eyes as a toothy, child-like grin stretched across his lips. Just the sight of him like this made me giddy.
"May I ask why you said yes, not that I'm complaining."

"I figured we're both young, there's no harm in moving a little fast and testing things out," I explained, feeling a similar grin battling to form on my lips. Newt only nodded, the same smile present evermore.

"Well, what do you want to do in the mean time?" Newt questioned, idly looking at the empty, sleeping Glade before us.

"I dunno, how about we ask some questions about each other to get to know one another a bit more?" I suggested as I shuffled closer to Newt, a small breeze blowing on my skin.

"I like the sounds of that, my Greenie." Newt grinned down at me, wrapping his arm protectively around me, making it more comfortable. As I leaned closer to Newt's chest, I inhaled deeply and caught a strong scent of Newt, a mixture of sweet musk and earthy soil from working in the Gardens. I relished his scent, letting it fill my lungs each time I inhaled. "I'll go first," Newt added as he cleared his throat.

"Why did you say yes?" His grin vanished; replaced by all seriousness as his brow creased over his beautifully dark, mysterious eyes.

"I thought I already told you?"

"Yes, but I was drunk off my head and can't remember, so please remind me." Newt explained, his tone almost begging. I looked into those deep eyes that always captured mine, studying them. There was more reason behind that question, I knew it.

"You know, you can just ask me why I like you straight up. I can tell that's what you really want to know." I exposed Newt's motives, my eyes still locked onto his.

"Wha? I mean; how did you know?" Newt finished, his tone defeated.

"I can just tell. And if it's because you're feeling down, and need a boost, please never hesitate to ask. Ask me anything, and I will do it if it will help."

"You mean that?" Newt's eyes were big and vulnerable as he whispered.

"Yes! I'm going to tell you every day why I like you, because there are endless reasons. So, to start off; I like how caring and bold you are. I love how you lead the boys, and maintain friendship with everyone. I love how friendly and gentle you are. I love your deep, mysterious brown eyes that pull me in each time you look at me, and your impossibly cute, messy golden blonde hair that can never be tamed. I love the freckles that are scattered across your nose, and god I love your accent! I just love you!" The air caught in my throat as I realised what I had just said.

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