Chapter 15

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"Hey." I called as I approached Minho. I could feel Newt's eyes on the back of my head as I strode through the cool nights air. Minho was standing around the big bonfire, watching the flames lick along the tall stick that had yet to be consumed by the ravenous fire.
"Hey." Minho answered back, his eyes only shifting away from the fire to meet mine. I could see the smile clear on his face, as well as the glint of hope that shone bright in his eyes.
"Don't you dare bring it up." I simply uttered, shoving Minho playfully on the shoulder.
"What, about how you and Newt just danced together, and how you're the talk of the Glade? I did recall promising to bring the conversation up once I got back from running; and I never break a promise." Minho sent me a cocky smirk that showed off his white teeth. I let out a groan in response, rolling my eyes at the boy.
"So," Minho spoke up once the silence dragged on. "He likes you ya know?" Every part of Minho hinted that he was being completely serious.
"So I've been told." I muttered under my breath, staring blankly into the flames, just as Minho did.
It was quite mesmerising; watching the hot flames rise up from the ground in fabulous bright colours of oranges and reds, and then dissipate into nothing, and listening to the sound of crackling wood burn and crumble in the heat.
"You mean a lot to him too. I don't think he'd know what to do without you Rosie. Help him for us. Make him stronger again in the ways we couldn't." My gaze shifted to Minho, who was staring directly behind me. I followed his gaze to Newt, who had joined Alby and a few others in a conversation. I felt a warmth like no other leak from my heart and slowly spread across my chest like the ivy vines on the walls as Newt broke out into laughter; a wide and genuine smile inching further along his face.
"I know. I will." I vowed, returning my gaze back to the fire.
"Good that." Minho agreed.
"Alright everyone! I think our Greenie here has waited long enough to find out her new job. Could I have a little help delivering Rosie to the front?" Alby's voice bellowed through the Glade. At his request, all of the Gladers began to crowd around me; the circle getting smaller and smaller until hands reached down and grabbed my arms and legs.
With a short shriek, I was lifted high in the air by a bed of hands that slowly brought me closer to Alby and Newt.
"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" Everyone chanted in unison while carefully bouncing me up into the air further. My heart pounded in my chest as my body left the sea of hands that held me up, and for a split second I flew freely in the air. It was magical to say the least.
Eventually I was delivered to the front of the crowd where Alby and Newt stood, their lips curling up into huge grins. Ever so carefully, the group of teenagers placed me down to the ground and dispersed once I was surely on my feet.
"Like the ride?" Newt asked over the chorus of laughter behind me.
"It was different, that's for sure!" I answered through a laugh. I turned to face Alby, who for once looked like a teenager rather than adult. The way his eyes crinkled up slightly whenever he smiled or laughed, and the one dimple that formed on his left cheek; he looked like a child.
"Having a good evening Rosie?" Alby asked, walking closer so that we could hear each other easier.
"One of the best nights that I can remember." I remarked, flashing Newt a smile. Alby gave me a quick nod before turning back to the Gladers, cupping his hands around his mouth and speaking over everyone.
"Keepers! Step forward please!" At Alby's words, all of the Keepers stepped through the crowd and lined up in front of us; all but Gally who was under strict observation and probation as punishment.
"Rosie, over the past week you have tried each of the jobs here in the Glade. After each job that you trialled, that Keeper reported back to Newt and I, informing us of your skills and capabilities. After listening to each Keeper, and a gruelling Gathering, we have finally come to a decision that we believe best suits you and your capabilities. And without further ado, your job." Alby stepped aside as Newt stepped foward. I had been so captivated in Alby's speech that I hadn't noticed someone handed a jar of liquid to each Keeper.
"Keepers, in your hand you hold a jar of liquid. It's the same in each jar, aside from one. The Keeper who Rosie will work for has a slightly different mixture." Newt walked past each Keeper, pausing to look at me.
"One by one, you will through the liquid into the bonfire. If it burns brighter, you were given fuel, and the Greenie wasn't assigned to you. If however it turns green, then you are the lucky shank to work with Greanbean over here  everyday. So what are we waiting for? Let's start throwin' jars!" Newt roared, throwing his fist into the air, which cause an outcry of 'yeah's' and fists to pound the air above.

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