Chapter 41

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There was a strange weight around me.

Not all over, but it focused around my abdomen. As the strange weight stirred around, it pulled me from a strange dream, and I was forced to deal with whatever it was. Letting a light groan of complaint escape my pursed lips, I slowly let my eyes open and adjust to the light flooding in from the window across from me and piercing my eyes.

Strange, my window is on the wall along where my bed is, not across from me.

As my eyes scanned across the room, more and more I picked up on details about the room that only proved my thoughts.

This isn't my room. I thought with  a strike of panic.

As I remembered the reason I was awoken, my head tilted down to see a long bare arm draped across my waist, while a messy dirty blonde haired head rested heavily on top of the arm. Small snores rumbled through his diaphragm as the hot breath tickled the small part of my waist that was exposed; my over-sized shirt pulled up slightly by the boys head.

I continued to stare wide-eyed down at the peacefully sleeping body on top of me, unable to recollect my memories from the previous night. the last I could remember was kissing Newt goodnight and retreating to my bed. As I thought hard, the mysterious boy stirred in his sleep, and through a half awake slur, he spoke up.

"Good morning." His accented voice mumbled, muffled by my waist. A tickling sensation ran from my waist and spread across my skin as I realised it was Newt who was lying on me, and not some stranger.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were some random." I sighed a relief.

I couldn't help but take not of how we slept together. After only 'dating' for not even a day, I had already slept with Newt. But it wasn't like it was the first time. As innocent as it was, i couldnt shake the guilt that racked my body as I stared at out tangled limbs. It felt like I had committed some kind of crime me by falling asleep with this boy.

I lay half upright while Newt's body lay diagonally across the double bed, his large feet peaking out from the covers and over the edge of the matress as he stretched out, a loud yawn echoing through the room.

"First of all, how could you mistake me for a random? And second of all, are you implying that you'd go around and shack up with a bunch of strangers?" A mischievous smile found its way onto Newt's pink lips as he rolled off me to lay on his back, his arms tucked behind his head. It was only then that I realsied that he was shirtless.

"What? No! Newt I would never!" I paniced, trying desperately to convinse Newt of my innocence. It only seemed to humour him as the bed lightly shook with his low chuckle. I shot a glare down at the boy, however it only amused him further.

"I know you wouldn't, my Greenie." His low voice purred, sending chills through my spine and heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Hey Newt, what happened last night? We didn't, ya know; do anything, did we?" I asked akwardly, the memory blank beginning to frustrate me.

Why can't I remember how I got here?

"No, no. I was having a nightmare, and then you came in and woke me up. I guess we both fell asleep." Newt figured with a boyish smile.

"Oh." Was all I said as small fragments came back to me. I vaguely remembered lying down besides Newt and quietly talking to him. But that still didn't explain  why I went into his room.

"Disappointed?" The same mischevious smile twitched the corners of Newt's lips up.

"What? No! I uh, well um. I'll just shut up now." I sighed, embarrassed as I rolled to my side and hid my rosy cheeks in one of the fluffy pillows besides me.

"Why are you in such a good mood, anyway?" I asked accusingly,bmy voice muffled by the pillow and Newt's laughter.

"Can't I be happy to wake up with you in my bed?"

Since when did Newt get so smooth?

"Well yes, but you're never this happy of a morning." I pointed out as my cheeks grew brighter.

"That's because  had one of the best nights sleep since I first got here." He remarked.

"How come? And I swear if you say it was because I was here, I will punch you." I warned jokingly, removing my face from the pillow to face Newt, who's face was a lot closer than I anticipated.

"But it was." He smiled sweetly. "It was the firt time I slept without nightmares." Newt added, the smile fading.

"Oh, sorry." I muttered, looking down to the space between us. A sudden urge to eliminate the already small space almost overcome me.

"Its not your fault, Rosie. But I could get used to it." Newt paused for a moment, as if thinking about what he had just said, and chuckled.

"Trust me, so could I." I chuckled, not really thinking about what I said.

"Then why don't we make it a tradition?" Newt suggested carefully, sure not to push anything."

"You know we can't." I turned to him, a saddened look spreading across both our faces.

"How come?" Newt pouted, his bottom lip sticking out slightly.

"Because Newt, we only started dating last night. Don't you think it's a little soon to be sleeping together?" I asked hesitantly. The truth was, I would have loved to wake up every morning to Newt besides me, but I had to be responsible.

"You're scared, aren't you?"

"Of what? What makes you think that?" I questioned, my brow furrowed.

"I can tell. You're scared that I don't just mean sleeping when I say sleeping together. You don't want to move too fast, which is fine with me; but that isn't what I want at all. All I want is to wake up each morning with you safely besides me, sleeping peacefully. I don't want to have sex with you when I say I want you to sleep in my bed with me." My cheeks exploded with colour as Newt's hand slipped under my chin and tilted my head up, forcing me to look him in the eye.

Did Newt just say that?

"Then what do you want?" I peeped, looking deep into his russet brown eyes.

"Like I said, I want to know that you're safe and sound right besides me. Because if I can go to sleep knowing you're right besides me, the nightmares somehow go away." Newt explained softly.

I couldn't help the distant voice in the back of my head that kept nagging me.

Does he just want me to be there so that he doesn't get nightmares?

"I care about you Rosie; I'm not just trying to use you for my benefit. I honestly want you to be here with me because you mean a lot to me, but if that would make you uncomfortable, then it's completely fine to say no." Newt continued, as if reading my mind.

"It's not that it makes me uncomfortable. I'm just worried that we would be moving too fast, and it will lead to other... Stuff." I stuttered, leaning into Newt's familiar touch, relishing the warmth from it.

"What, sex? Rosie, if anything makes you uncomfortable, I won't ever do it. If you don't want to do that, then we won't. Like I said, all I want to do is sleep in the same bed as you. I want you to be as happy and comfortable in this relationship as you can be." Newt whispered, tracing small circles along my cheek with his thumb delicately.

Finally, after opening my eyes I spoke up.

"Thank you Newt. I want to do this; make it work. And I especially want you to be happy as well, and get a good nights sleep. I'm just not sure if this is too soon, I'll think about it, okay?" I looked up through my lashes to Newt, who was smiling softly down at me.
"Take as much time as you need." He murmured.

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