Chapter 48

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It had been a whole week of agonising waiting. I'd been practically living in the Medjack hut, beside Newt the entire time. I slept in the opposing bed at night, if I hadn't already fallen asleep in the chair besides Newt's bed. Every night was worse than the previous, filled with tears and wails as I tossed and turned. Nothing could really bring me to sleep like Newt's touch, so I often slept by his bed, his hand in mine and my head lightly resting on the mattress.

Oh, but Newt! I couldn't bare to look at him for longer than a minute, otherwise I would breakdown again. His skin was whiter than paper, glistening with a constant sheen of sweat. His hair had lost all volume and body, and was now clumps of sweaty matted hair on his forehead. Call me crazy, but even the stunning golden sheen began to fade until his hair look like a light brown mop. At least he still had his frown; a now constant expression of pain and discomfort which I wished my life to go away. Newt's beautiful russet orbs that always caught my gaze remained hidden behind closed eyelids as they moved around rapidly, as if Newt were trying to wake up, open his eyes. The gash on his head had healed considerably until it was only a thin red line, and a constant reminder of why Newt was here in the first place.

For 7 days, I hadn't left the room once. Not to shower, not to eat or sleep. I couldn't bare to go back into our room, where we shared such good memories. No, I couldn't go back there and leave Newt on his own. I didn't even work; Clint feeling sympathetic and allowing me to mope, but it was pretty selfish of me to do that, when Newt is the one in a coma.

Minho and Chuck visited as often as they could. In fact, it weren't for Minho's kindness and stubbornness, I would have starved days ago. Alby, Chuck, Minho and I would all sit around Newt's bed each night silently, no one really wanting to talk as we ate. Newt had to be fed soupy foods, which smelt horrible. Clint allowed me to feed him, collecting little spoonful's and blowing them gently before pouring it into Newt's mouth.

He had shown a few sign of waking up here and there, but nothing major. One night, while I silently sobbed and held Newt's hand, I felt his grip tighten the slightest, for a split second. I had almost jumped out of the seat, believing that Newt was awake, but felt crushed to see his eyes glued shut. Sometime he'd groan, or try and mumble something, but couldn't manage to open his mouth. But he still remained in a coma all the same.

"Hey Rose." Minho murmured as he slipped into the hut, pulling my attention away from Newt for a second.

"Hey there." I answered back with a half smile, seeing Minho carrying both Newt's and my dinner. He was the only one who could make me smile then, granted they weren't full of jolly and happiness, more so a distraction from this awful reality.

"You look like klunk." Minho paused, leaning down to sniff the top of my head. "And smell like it too." He smiled down at me with kind eyes. I ignored his statement and took my plate of food and Newt's soup from Minho's arms. I set my plate aside and positioned Newt into an upright position, and began to spoon the soup into his mouth.

"This is like Deja vu." Minho muttered as he sat back.

"Hmm?" I hummed, not paying full attention to him.

"This is just like when he jumped." He barely whispered. I spun around to see Minho, one of the bravest boys I know, wiping away a few tears. It was the first time he had cried in this week; somehow he had remained strong up until this point.

"What?" I breathed, setting the soup down and sitting beside Minho. His body shook silently for a minute before he continued.

"When Newt jumped, he landed on his ankle," Minho leant forward to pull the pant cuff of Newt's right leg, revealing a horrible scar I had never seen before. "but he also hit his head pretty bad, enough to put him into a coma. It was a lot worse than this, and he was out for a good two weeks, but it's too similar to then." Minho croaked, sitting back down in his seat.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked, my chest throbbing and insides churning.

"I'm scared that it wasn't an accident." Minho stammered, fumbling with his hands.

"No. No, you're wrong! Newt isn't like that anymore, he told me! He promised he wouldn't do anything like that again." I sobbed, feeling everything I had left begin to crumble away.

"Rosie, Rose come 'ere." Minho soothed as he pulled me into his lap, holding me close to his chest. "I was just sayin', but I could be wrong. I hope I am." Minho rubbed my back as I wept into his chest.

"Is he ever going to wake up?" I choked, finally voicing the question that had been on my mind all week.

"Of course he will, he can't just leave us like this, him and I made a pact to get out of this together, and we will. And I don't think the shank can live without seeing you much longer. I promise Rose, he will wake up soon." Minho swore.

"And what if he doesn't? What if he doesn't make it?" I began to feel the world around me spin, and everything blurred together as the thought of a life without Newt dawned upon me. "I can't live without him Minho." I cried out.

"Hey, if there's anything I know, it's that that man there loves you more than anything. He would go to the ends of the world for you; find a way out of here for you. There is no way in this hellhole that Newt will ever give out like that, not with you here with him. He's one of the strongest guys I know, Rose; he's not going anywhere."

"What if he wanted this? To leave?" The weight of reality was heavy on my shoulders.

"Then we will have to just show him that life is with livin', because you and I will never let him do that again." I could find the will to continue. Feeling crushed, I gave into the consuming misery drowning me, letting the sobs rock my body until numb and devoid of emotion.

After about a half hour, I settled down to the occasional sob, yet Minho still held me tight, rubbing circles on my back. Sleep hazed my thoughts as I drifted in and out of sleep.

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