Chapter 36

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Thomas's P.O.V.
"Good morning everyone. Thank you for coming here on such short notice. I would like an update on subject B11 please." Ava requested as she sat in her usual seat at the round table. I sat next to Teresa, having a private conversation of our own.
"They did it. They took Chuck."
"I know, Ava made me do it. Tom, I can't do this no more. I don't want to see our friends being harmed and practically tortured. Especially not little Chuck." Teresa's voice was full of pain and sadness, and I felt it through our connection. But I didn't need our connection to feel her sadness.
I have been suffering since the first day when I watched Newt and Alby get sent up. It was only bearable when Minho was sent up, but then I lost Rosie, and now Chuck. I have no one but Teresa now, and that won't last for much longer.
"Don't worry, I'm going to put a stop to this all. No more testing, no more variables. No more WICKED. As soon as I get in Maze A, I'm getting Rosie and everyone else out and taking them somewhere safe." I vowed with all my heart. Teresa remained silent, but I could feel her thinking.
"Tom, there's something I need to tell you." Teresa finally spoke up, her voice low even though no one could hear us.
"Can it wait? I need to know what is happening to Rosie now."
"But Tom-"
"Please Teresa. Tell me after, I need to hear this." I insisted, trying to focus on the conversation around us. Thankfully, no one had payed much attention to Teresa and I's mental conversation.
I focused my attention to the screen behind Ava that displayed Rosie and Newt quietly talking in the Medjack's room. She'd only been there for a month, and she had already grown up so much. She never seemed to make much out of my message that I sent her one night, which is good I guess. Rosie just needs to know that I'm still on her side and trying all I can to help her. I guess she'll discover her telepathy connection after Teresa has been inserted.
"Brenda, how about you start? How has the serum worked on the subject's killzone?" Ava asked Brenda, who sat across from me.
She was a nice girl, just a little older than Teresa and I, with long brown hair that framed her face, and stunning eyes. But her allegiance to WICKED was too strong; I couldn't trust her with my plans.
"She is reacting nicely to the serum. In fact we tested it out a couple of weeks ago, and she was under complete control. We have control over her mobility and mental state." Brenda informed, much too excited and upbeat for the conversation.
"You do know that she is more than just a subject. She is my sister, and when you talk about her you will refer to her as Rosie." I ordered, hotheaded.
Brenda stared at me wide eyed, her mouth hanging open slightly as she struggled to form words.
"I-I'm sorry subj- uh Thomas." She stuttered, brushing some hair behind her ear and adverting her eyes to the ground.
"She likes you, ya know that? How pathetic." Teresa seethed.
"No she doesn't. You're just jealous." I responded harshly, still ticked off by my previous conversation.
I felt Teresa back off a little, and block off our connection. I rolled my eyes at her immaturity and focused back on the conversation.
"I'm sorry for that Brenda, Thomas can be a little hothead at times. Please, forgive his  insolence." Ava gave Brenda a fake smile and returned to the meeting.
"Are there any other updates on the subject?" Ava looked directly at me as she spoke, never breaking eye contact.
"There is a slight, uh issue with have encountered ma'am." Another scientist spoke up from beside me.
"Well, what is it?"
"We still do not have control over her emotions towards A5. It seems that that part of her killzone is protected from the serum. We are still looking into it." The scientist added nervously.
I smug smirk grew on my lips as I listened to them struggle.
That's my Rosie.
"Then we can destroy those feelings through A5" Ava said plainly, as if it were nothing.
"What? You can't do that, they need each other!" I argued, rising from my seat.
"And there's something else ma'am. It appears that B11 has had a subconscious influence over A5, and he too has begun to reject the chip." Another doctor added.
Ha! Good on ya Newt.
Ava was silent for a long moment, her face wrinkled with a frown.
"This doesn't pose too much of a problem. It only means more variables when the," Ava's eyes flickered to mine for a split second. "time comes. Brenda, I want your team to continue to work on a long lasting Control Serum, and have the Griever's serum replaced with it, so when the Griever battle undergoes, every surviving subject is ensured to be under our control." Ava ordered firmly, to which Brenda scrambled to life and scribbled something down on her notepad.
"Yes, at once ma'am." She murmured.
"Good, then if that's all, I believe we all have jobs to attend." Ava called the meeting to an end, and we all silently filed out of the room.
As soon as Teresa and I were alone, I pulled her to a deserted store room, shutting the door behind me.
"What did Ava mean about 'the time'? Why did she look at me like that?" I demanded desperately.
They can't be planning what I think they are.
"Tom, I don't know what you're talking about. Please, let me go."
"Teresa, if this has anything to do with Rosie, I need you to tell me." I begged, a little quieter.
"I don't know Tom." She answered after a long pause.
"Okay. What did you want to tell me before?" I asked, letting my grasp on her arms go.
"Oh, it was nothing. I just remembered something is all." She explained in a hollow voice.
"Okay. I'm sorry for how I spoke to you Teresa. I'm just so worried about Rosie." I explained sincerely.
In the dim lighting, I saw a small smile twitch at the corners of Teresa's lips. She hardly smiled anymore.
"That's okay. You're a good brother; Rosie is lucky to have you, even if she doesn't know it." Teresa said. Even though she smile, I couldn't help but notice the hint of jealousy and sadness in her voice.

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