Chapter 70

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Four days. It's had been four agonising days Newt remained by her side.

The glade had plunged into riot and madness, another boy lost to the grievers each night. Newt would lay there, head rested on the thin mattress with Rosie's hand held tight in his, listening to the rising of wood and horrific screams. He felt void without her, regret the only thing filling him as he wished to all and any gods to bring her back. He had planned it all out; the minute Rosie woke, he would pull her into an embrace like no other and beg for forgiveness. How could he have held such accusations against her? Newt knew Rosie loved him far too much to just attack him like that.

The following morning, after losing another boy, Newt woke to the same light, barely audible breathing of his girlfriend as she clung to life. Although the wound had healed remarkably well, she was put into a coma to keep her alive, and when or if she woke up was unclear.
"Come one My Greenie, you gotta wake up. The Glade's fallen alert without you," he sniffed, walking away to wash his face in the sink.

"Newt." It was barley recognisable, her voice deep and hoarse. But it was her voice all the same.

Newt shot upright so fast he almost banged his head on the shelf above. Spinning around in the ball of his heel and through blurred vision, Newt tried to determine whether or not he was going insane. Maybe he had, perhaps this was some cruel hallucination, seeing Rosie push herself upright. But he took it, faster than light he was by her side, fresh tears on his cheeks.

"Rose? How are you, are you in pain?" Newt cradled her head so gently, as if she'd disintegrate in his arms.

"Wa-water please," she managed. Newt was on it in an instance, watching intensely as she downed the cup.

"You're awake," Newt muttered, still in shock.

"That I am. And if this is how it feels to wake from a coma, I'm going to have to be more careful," Rosie grunted, an attempt at humour. Oddly, Newt let out an airy chuckle, grasping at her hand and kissing it before breaking into tears.

"I'm so sorry, Rosie. I should have trusted you, I should have listened but instead I was bull-headed and pushed you away. Please, forgive me Rosie!" He wept by her side. After a moment of thought, Rosie spoke up.

"I forgive you Newt, please don't cry everything is going to be okay," she assured, razing his chin so the he'd look at her. "But things must change if we want to continue together. Maybe I'm just out of it at the moment, but you and I need a fresh start, and this time take things a little slower." Newt sniffled, wiping away his tears.

"Of course, a fresh start is all we need," he tried to assure himself.

"Newt, I think you've realised by now that we love in a dangerous world. There are people out to get us, so we need to stick together; learn to trust each other fully." Rosie's hand shifted, moving to grab hold of Newt's.

"I know, I'm so sorry I didn't trust you-" Rosie cut him off.

"I already told you Newt, I have forgiven you. There's no need to apologise anymore. But there is one other thing."

"What is it?" Newt asked, a frown forming on his brow.
"So that confirms it then," Minho huffed, seemingly blown away by the new information.

After a lengthy (and emotional) conversation with her brother and Minho, Rosie was able to explain that her coma had proven useful. With Newt by her side the entire time like a puppy, Rosie describe the onslaught of visions she receive whilst out cold, providing a detailed description of the Mazes' escape route. Apparently during this time, Thomas and Teresa had a hunch of this situation, on,y now it was definite.

"So that's it? We solve it like a puzzle?" Newt asked for confirmation.

"It seems so. But it won't be that easy," Thomas warned. "We have to go through the Griever hole, and that will likely be heavily guarded by the bastards," Tom explained, hunched up against the wall.

"Well we don't have much of a choice, do we? We either get picked off in here, you fight to escape. I don't know about you boys, but I know which I'd rather," Rosie joined in.

"We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning, that'll give us time to gather weapons and supplies." Minho ordered.

"Wait, tomorrow? Rosie can't walk, let alone fight if a griever!" Newt protested.

"I haven't even tried yet Newt, give me a chance," Rosie began, Redding a hand on Newt's to soothe him.

"And she can come with Teresa, Chuck and I. It's the safest option, Newt; you know I would always put Rosie's safety first." Tom assured.

"Fine. You'll stick with me until we get there, and from there you will be glued to Tommy's side while the rest of us clear a path," Newt commanded.

Yo I'm back, after almost a year! Here's a short chapter, only one more to go before this book is officially completed, and hopefully then I can finally move onto my next book.

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