Chapter 25

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I kept my distance from the trio; by the look Alby gave me, he didn't want me to be apart of the conversation. Instead, I stayed a few feet away and peacefully awed at the beautiful sky. It was strange that there never seemed to be a moon, or sun at that; yet there was always light.

I heard the faint scuttle of leaves to my right, and turned to see one of the Beetle Blades, or the red beam of a Beetle Blade. It was pointed directly at me, and I made it my new goal to stare the thing down. It remained completely still, and I stared at is for so long that it seemed to fade in and out of my vision.

"Are you all good Greenie?" Newt's deep voice pulled me back to reality. I blinked a few times as I broke my gaze and turned to face Newt. I saw that it was just him standing there, looking exhausted and worried; the stress wearing deep bags under his eyes already.

"I think I should be asking you the same thing. It can't really be that bad, can it?" Newt's eyes searched mine momentarily before he brought his large hands up and rubbed his face vigorously with them.

"Yeah, it is." His voice was muffled and mutated by his hands still covering the majority of his face.

"What did you mean by 'Things are changing'? This has happened before, hasn't it?" I pried, my arms folding across my chest in confusion and frustration.

Why is it so hard to get a clear shucking answer around here? Everyone seems to enjoy leaving a question half answered-probably why they haven't solved the Maze yet.

"Yes, people have gone through the Changing before; but not like this. Over three years, we have only had a recorded number of three shanks stung by a buggin' Griever; four now. But those three happened when we first got here; and didn't know anything about the Maze. A few of us decided to camp out there for a night or two and see what we could find. Everything was fine until our second night out, when this huge, sluggish mechanical thing just leapt down from the top of one of the walls. It just started to attach us; killing most of us. In the end, Minho, Alby, Gally and I were the only ones to make it back to the Glade; and Gally got stung. The other two times were a similar circumstance, when our former leader forced us to go out again for a night. We refused to go unless he came with us, and turns out he was one of the ugly shanks to get stung, along with another. But never has anyone been stung in broad daylight." Newt muttered seriously, a deep frown etched on his face.

"Oh, then I guess it is as bad as it seems then." I murmured quietly.

"Indeed it is Greenie." Newt breathed absently.

"Hey you two shanks! Sorry Rosie, but mind if I borrow old Newtie here for a sec?" Minho asked as he came to a halt between Newt and I. I peered over Minho's shoulder to give Newt a questioning look, as if to say 'you know anything about this?'.  Newt simply shook his head, and looked to be just as confused.

"Uh sure, but why?" I pried. Minho's eyes shifted from my eyes to the ground an back before he answered.

"It's um, secret guy business!" Minho burst out.

"What?" Newt asked from behind Minho, a large frown present from confusion.

"What kind of business?"

"Now it wouldn't be secret if I told ya, now would it Greenie?"

"I suppose not. Well have fun on your secret guy business!" I mocked as I began to walk towards the kitchen for some dinner. I glanced over my shoulder once more to see Newt and Minho in what appeared to be a deep, intense conversation. I shrugged it off and continued towards the kitchen, eager for food.
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm going to have another posted very soon though!! As always, hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

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