Chapter 10

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I felt utterly hopeless as I stared at the dusty ground, my chest aching with sadness.

People think that I'm a traitor because I'm a girl? I was given no choice in this, why am I being punished? I silently asked myself as I felt a single tear brush down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away when I heard Newt shuffling around beside me, and looked up to see his big russet brown eyes filled with sympathy and sadness.

"I'm so sorry Rosie. You don't deserve any of this, it's all that slintheads fault!" Newt grumbled, glancing over his shoulder as if to see Gally standing in the doorway.
I realised I needed to be strong, or at least seem like that in front of all the boys. I wouldn't dare let them know that they can do that to me. I needed to seem unaffected by all of this, especially to Gally. I put on a fake smile, quietly sniffling and looked up at Newt.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Everyone obviously thinks that I am a traitor, so maybe this will shut them up." I gave Newt a quick smirk.
I hated this; pretending to be fine when I wasn't. It only made me want to crumble and fall apart even more, but I knew I would never allow that, not because of this.

You're stronger than this Rosie. Show everyone that you're more than just a girl, prove to them that you're just as good as they are, if not better.

"We've been through this before, Rosie. I can see you clearly aren't fine, that you're not okay. It's okay not to be brave and strong all of the time; we all have our bad days." Newt tried to comfort me. I shot him a toothy grin before giving him a slight shove back.

"I dont know what you're talking about!" I giggled as Newt stumbled back a bit before regaining his balance, an evil smirk growing across his face.

"Why you little! Come here!" Newt lurched towards me, his hands outstretched. I gasped with surprise, however the air was knocked clean out of my lungs as the weight of Newt crushed me to the hard ground. He quickly sat up and pinned me to the ground, while his fingers danced along my ribs, causing me to laugh hysterically

"No! Please. Newt stop-" I squealed while trying to suck in the oxygen my lungs so desperately cried for.

"You know what? I think this is quiet bloody fun. I might just keep tickling you." Newt threatened, his evil grin spreading even more across his face, revealing a row of shining white teeth.
I discovered just how much I hated being tickled in that moment; everything was just so confusing! Being tickled was somewhere between fun and torture; it was kind of fun until you couldn't breathe and the fingers that were softly dancing across your skin seemed to steal your air away.

"Newt please-" My plea's were interrupted by a thunderous boom, and the sound of stone scraping against stone. Everything ceased at the sound; my hysterical fit and Newts' tickling spree. Even the boys outside seemed to be silent, although they could just have been drowned out by the sound.

"What the hell is that?" I barely whispered, my eyes wide with fear and wonder. The ground shook intensely by whatever made that noise as it continued to grumble loudly, casing dust to rise all through the room. Nothing could be heard over the deafening sound; not even my laboured breathing. By now Newt had gotten off of me and stood above me, seemingly unaffected by the noise as he held his hand out for me to take.

"Come on, youre gonna miss it!" He mouthed over the noise as I let him lift me from the dusty ground and drag me outside.

Everything my memory void brain could remember about science was defied as I stared at the 2 massive stone walls slowly closing. My eyes widened further with bewilderment as ever so painfully slow, the doors finally came to a crashing stop together, a thunderous smash of stone signalling it was all over. I couldn't peel my eyes away from the walls as I quietly spoke up.

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