Chapter 16

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"Hello Thomas, Rosie." An older woman craned down at us, a kind smile wrinkling her eyes and cheeks up slightly. I looked around to see a familiar looking boy standing beside me, his face devoid of any emotion. He looked to be 9, his cheeks still plump with childhood, yet his eyes were aged and mature, the honey gold flecks piercing through long brown lashes as he carefully studied the woman in front of us.
"Good evening Ms. Paige, it's an honour to meet the brilliant mind behind W.I.C.K.E.D. Please, forgive my sister here; she's a little shy." Thomas proclaimed with a fake smile, to which the lady smiled down at me. I stared up at Thomas in disbelief.
Did he just say I was his sister? No, that can't be! Could it?
I continued to look around the room we were in as the two spoke. The lady, Ms. Paige was leaning on a large desk littered with paper and files in a room enclosed with glass walls. As I looked through the glass, I caught a glimpse of my reflection and was taken back.
I looked nothing like the boy beside me who was supposedly my brother. Thomas had piercing honey gold eyes with golden flecks striking through, yet mine were an intense hazel-green outlined with a deep green. And while Thomas had a deep chocolate brown hair that brushed along his forehead; my hair was a fiery strawberry blonde that fell into loose waves halfway down my back.
There were, however some similarities between the two of us that chipped away my doubt that we were related. Both Thomas and I had the same shaped nose that gently curved up, and the same long face. As I looked closer, I realised that we also had the same pink lips that curved into a frown.
"Rosie." Thomas spoke in a stern voice, drawing my attention back again.
"I'm sorry, what?" My voice was high and soft as I spoke, taking me aback slightly.
"I was just asking if you had any questions about your roll in the Maze Trials?" Ms. Paige looked down at me with a warm smile and cold, icy blue eyes.
"Yes. Why do we have a roll in the Maze Trials? I mean, we aren't even apart of them, so why are we here?" My words came out slow, and for some reason I regretted speaking them as soon as they left my lips.
"In time my dear there will be phase 2, or what we are calling the Scorch Trials. You both will be an essential and important role to the subjects in these trials. Not only will you play as a reactor to the other subjects killzones, but you will also produce patterns of your own for us to collect. And if we are correct; you two may just be the cure to the Flare. You Rosie, are our last chance of survival; our last hope. Don't let us down." And with that, the woman's voice faded off into an empty abyss as I turned to face Thomas.
"You're our last hope, Rosie." Thomas repeated, however his voice morphed and changed towards the end of his sentence, until it was Newt who was saying my name.
"Rosie. Rosie!" His hushed voice echoed through my head.
My eyes shot open as I inhaled quickly and sat up abruptly. My head crashed into something hard, and I fell back down onto my bed.
"Bloody hell." I heard Newt mutter under his breath. By now my eyes had cleared the sleep away, and my vision was clear. I turned to see Newt knelt over, gingerly rubbing his forehead where a red welt was already forming. I winced as my fingers fumbled over a small bump on my head.
"Sorry Newt." I muttered, still trying to rub the pain away.
"Bloody hell, I didn't scare you that much did I?" Newt said through a chuckle, standing up straight.
"No, I just had a weird dream, that's all." I sighed, sitting up from the bed. As I looked out the window, I noticed it was still dark outside, with only the edge of the sky turning a pale pink over the walls.
"What was it about?" I zoned out and forgot what we were speaking about.
"What?" I turned to face Newt, confused.
"Your dream. Was it like another memory?" Newt probed, his brow raised expectantly.
"Oh, right yeah. I don't know; this was different. I was younger, about 8, and was talking to some woman about the Maze trials. I was with that boy; Thomas." I paused to try and clear the flurry of emotions and thoughts swirling around my mind like a hurricane. "Newt, I think he's my brother." I murmured in a low tone.
"What are you talking about Rosie? I think you hit your head a little too hard." Newt insisted, his brow furrowing over his russet brown eyes.
"I know what I saw Newt!" I argued, walking over to look out the window.
"And what was that?" I heard him ask quietly. I glanced over my shoulder at him to see that he was still in the same place as before, only now he was facing me.
"He was talking to this lady, and said that I was his sister. I could see it in our faces Newt. I have a brother, and his name is Thomas." I declared, finally turning to look at Newt. I could see in his eyes that he was thinking hard about something. And then it was as if someone turned a switch on in his head. His eyes darted to mine, and he limped over so that he was standing right in front of me.
"Wait, you said that this woman was talking to you about something. You said she was talking about the 'Maze Trials'?"
"Yeah..." I said, waiting for him to continue.
"Rosie, can't you see it? We are in the middle of a giant maze! We are part of these Maze Trials!" Newt explained, his voice rising with resolution. I felt my eyes widen as I realised what he was saying, and my jaw gape open. Before I could saying anything, Newt was leading me over to the bed and sitting me down. He remained standing, and paced back and forth in front of me.
"What else did you remember about these Maze Trials?" Newt interrogated. I racked my brain for answers, but the dream was becoming fuzzier and unclear with each passing second.
"Ahh, she said something about a phase 2. She said that I was meant to be part of the Scorch Trials, and that I was important, I was our last hope." I murmured, rubbing my temples. Newt stopped abruptly, one arm supporting the other that stroked his chin. He slowly turned to face me, his eyes not fully focusing on me.
"I need to tell Alby." Newt whispered before walking out of the door and down the hallway.
"What? Newt you can't!" I protested, close behind him in a matter of seconds. Newt ignored my protests and continued up the stair to the 3rd level where Alby slept. He was about to tell Alby that I have been remembering things ever since I got here.
I can't let him do that. As nice as Alby is to me, he will probably banish me for this! I stressed to myself. I took a few lumbering strides in front if Newt and stopped in front of him, blocking his way.
"Newt, you can't do that." I spoke in a low harsh tone.
"I can and I will! Rosie, get out of my way!" Newt tried to swerve around me, however I stuck me arm out and blocked the passageway. We were right outside Alby's room and he was sure to wake up any minute with the way we were going.
"If you tell Alby, what do you think he will do when he finds out that I have been gaining memories back, and I haven't told him?" I watched as Newt's eyes cleared: realising that I was right.
"Look Rosie," Newt started,  a sympathetic look in his eyes as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Ably needs to know about this. I won't tell him about all the others, but he needs to know about this. What you remembered is the biggest clue with have had in over a year. He will think it just a one off thing. Do you remember what I said to you when I was giving you the Tour? I said that I won't let anyone hurt you. That includes Alby. Just go down and I'll meet you at a table for breakfast and tell you what Alby said, okay?" Newt's eyes searched mine for an answer. I thought for a moment before deciding.
I trust Newt. When he says he will protect me, he means it.
"Alright. But promise me you won't tell him anything else."
"I promise." And with that, Newt slipped passed and walked through Alby's door, leaving me alone in the Homestead.
I sat at one of the picnic tables anxiously waiting for Newt to walk out the Homestead door. My leg was bouncing furiously up and down as I waited.
Oh god! Newt's been in there for ages. What's taking him so long? I tapped my nails along the wooden table as I thought, and felt nauseous. My stomach churned away from stress as I began to think the worst.
Newt has told Alby everything, and now they're discussing my punishment. No, Newt would never break a promise.
Okay, Newt only told him that one memory, but Alby is still mad and wants to banish me as punishment. Newt's just trying to persuade him otherwise, and that's what's taking so long.  The thoughts just got crazier and more unrealistic as time went on, and I was left alone to wonder.
Whilst deep in bought, I heard a something scurry across the grass behind me, bringing me from my thoughts. I looked around, and still no one was awake; not even the Runners were meant to be awake at this hour.
I twisted my head around to find the source of the noise and was confronted by a metal lizard looking thing. It was just standing there, watching me.
"What are you?" I questioned, squinting my eyes to try and read what was read along its side in red. It looked like blood.
Hang on, I've heard that before! I remember someone repeating 'W.I.C.K.E.D is good' over and over in a dream!
The thing looked alien. It had a long, sliver body with 6 mechanical limbs protruding from its body on either side, and a blinding red light beaming from where it's eyes should have been.
I took a step closer to the creature to get a better look, however in a blur it scurried away to a nearby tree, scaling it with ease and disappearing in the foliage without another sound,
"I see you met a Beetle Blade." Newt's voice rang out across the Glade, startling me.
"A what?" I inquired, turning to sit back down at the table.
"A Beetle Blade. Nasty burgers they are. You don't ever wanna touch one of them." Newt thought aloud, joining me at the table.
"What do they do? What happens if I touch it?"
"They're what the Creators use to spy on us. They're everywhere; if you look hard enough. And trust me, you don't want to know." I turned to look up in the tree where the Beetle Blade thing retreated to, and could just faintly see the red beam shining down at us through the leaves.
I suddenly remembered why I was waiting out here, and whipped my end back around to anxiously look at Newt.
"So what happened?" I asked a little too fast.
"Well I told Alby that you had a dream, and believe it to be a memory. I told him that in your memory, you were taking to a lady who spoke about the Maze Trails and Scorch Trials." Newt explained the bare minimum, leaving out the only thing that was making me this anxious.
"I already knew were going to tell him that much!" I snapped at Newt; instantly regretting it. For a split second I could see the hurt wash over his features before vanishing completely.
"Well I'm bloody sorry for answering your question Greenie." Newt muttered.
"I'm sorry Newt. I'm just anxious about all this. So what did Alby say?" I asked in a calmer tone.
"Well after I told him about your memory, he asked if it happened before. I told him no, to which he decided to call a Gathering and discuss it with the Keepers." Newt explained, leaning in closer ever so slightly as a Runner strolled past; still half asleep.
I felt my body go cold as if millions of icy fingers danced along my skin, and the blood drain from my face.
"He's holding a Gathering? I'm gonna get punished?" I breathed, barely audible.
I can't spend another night in the Slammer! I almost died from boredom last time. What if Alby doesn't want to put me in the Slammer this time; and wants to banish me? I had only ever heard about a Banishing; and I had heard enough to know that's it's a death sentence, and the most horrible thing a Glader can be sentenced.
"What? No Rosie! We don't hold Gatherings just when we are deciding on someone's punishment! Alby just wants to talk to the Keepers about this new information. Find out what to do with it, and whether to tell the rest of the Gladers. I promised you I would never let you get hurt, didn't I?" Newt questioned though a small chuckle; amused by my reaction.
"Oh thank god! I thought I was going to be banished before my first day as a Medjack!" I exclaimed, physically relaxing.
"Oh right, that's what I was doing before all of this! I came to wake you up so that you could get an early breakfast and ready for work!" Newt sighed.
"Wow, thanks mum!" I teased, to which Newt just rolled his eyes.
"Come on, let's just get some breakfast and I'll hand you over to Clint." Newt muttered jokingly.

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