Chapter 21

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I absolutely hate them.
Whether included or excluded, they're one of the most anxious times of my memory devoid life.
"Alby doesn't want you to be present for this Gathering. Seeing the way you disrupted everyone before, he believes it will be better." Newt said as I was about to follow him into the little building where the Gathering were held.
"I disrupted everyone? Please Newt, tell me more of this special ability I have to control people that I'm unaware of." I retorted, crossing my arms across my chest and glaring up at Newt. He quickly looked around the Glade before meeting my glare; running his hand through his hair and sighing heavily.
"Rosie, please stop. I didn't mean it like that. It's just easier without you there." I could see Newt immediately regretted saying that.
I was going to make him regret it even more.
"Oh, I see! You're all just going to gossip about me again, only this time you're kicking me out." I huffed angrily. Newt can't be serious, can he?
"No Newt! I'm tired of this. I'll make you all happy and just leave." I cut him off as I let my arms drop by my side and spun around, already walking towards the Homestead.
Suddenly a large hand wrapped around my arm and yanked me backwards; so fast that I lost my balance and stumbled into Newts chest. Hard.
Both of us stumbled back from the momentum of my fall before Newt tripped on his feet and came crashing down to the ground. He was the only thing stopping my from eating dirt, so as soon as he fell, I was right on top of him.
With a loud huff, I joined Newt in the dirt, only he broke my fall. I immediately went to get up when I realised how close our faces were. If I were to lean down just an inch, our noses would be touching.
Newt's eyes slowly opened to be confronted by mine. I felt my cheeks heat up as I heard Newt mutter 'Bloody hell' under his breath.
"That wasn't how I planned for things to go." He muttered again as I tried to untangle our limbs.
"Whatever." I mumbled, still annoyed at him.
"Hey Newt, get a room for that! We don't wanna see you 2 makin' love." Some boy randomly yelled out, which was backed up by a few hollers and cat calls.
"Bloody shanks." Newt grumbled to himself as we continued to struggle to free ourselves.
"Here, why don't you-" Newt started to sit up, his face even closer to mine. I cut him off by pushing his chest down so that he way laying down again. I kept my hand firmly on his chest until I was untangled and rolled off of him, then quickly getting to my feet again.
It didn't take Newt long to do the same, and he was yet again staring down at me. I looked him in the eye with an icy look, and held it when his eyes met mine.
"Look, I'm sorry Rosie. I didn't mean for that to happen. What I was supposed to say was I know that you're just stressed. You want to be in there to know what's going on, and it's killing you being in the dark. I promise you nothing will happen." Newt apologised, his eyes full of sincerity.
My glare softened a little as I began to get lost in his deep russet brown eyes that seemed to be like pools of sadness.
I averted my eyes to my plain black and white sneakers covered in dirt as I sighed loudly.
"No, don't be sorry. I'm just being an angry old hag. Nothing is your fault. Except for making us fall - that was definitely your fault." I apologised with a small chuckle.
Why am I being so moody? Newt literally just asked me to stay out of the Gathering, which I should have been happy to do, and I couldn't do it without throwing a fuss!
"Alright, I'll settle for that. It won't go for long, so I'll meet you after work in the Homestead?"
"Yeah, sure" I confirmed as I looked back up to Newt. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at his face.
He looked so innocent and adorable; a wide grin creasing his eyes slightly, and his dirty blonde hair messily brushed out of his eyes, a few lone strands shadowing his eyes.
So a few seconds ago I couldn't stand Newt, and now I can't resist him. What the hell is going on with me?
"I better get in there then. Let you know everything as soon as I see you!" Newt assured as he jogged over and disappeared behind the terrible excuse for a door.
"Bye." I mumbled to myself as I slowly began to walk over to the Homestead. Our break finished 5 minutes ago, and Jeff was already going to be mad at me for being this late since Clint was at the Gathering.
I glanced over my shoulder one last time, desperately wishing I could hear what they were saying. A thought struck me, and I dared to listen to it.
I could just sneak around the back and eavesdrop on the entire conversation. No, Jeff will tell Clint, who will tell Newt. Then I would be in big trouble. I guess I'm just going to have to wait. I told myself while I started to the Homestead.
"I love ya Rosie, but if you keep going the way you're going, Clint'll sack ya on your second day." Jeff piped up after a long silence. I looked up from the wound I was dressing for the third time, confusion written all over my face.
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"I've been watchin' ya the past 5 minutes that it has taken you to dress that wound. It shouldn't take that long. What's goin' on?" He asked, coming over and dressing the wound for me in a matter of seconds. Jeff motioned for me to sit in the bed across from him as he sent the last boy for the day out of the room. Once the door shut behind the boy, Jeff turned onto me expectantly. I knelt over my knees and ran my hands through my hair, cradling my head. I had just checked outside, and the sky was a brilliant pink that smeared along the horizon. That meant it was about 6 o'clock, and Newt should have been over to see me long ago.
"That Gathering has been going on for a hell of a long time. How long does it take to discuss a dream that I had?" I questioned, talking to myself mostly.
"Is that what it was about? Clint wouldn't tell me." Jeff stated absentmindedly.
"I've never been to a Gathering, so I'd don't really know what goes on. But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. They can't punish you for dreamin'." Jeff assured me as he plopped down in the chair across from me.
"I guess you're right. It's just that I hate not knowing what they're saying. It is about me, so why can't I know?" I asked, lifting my head from my hands.
"Do you really want to be stuck in that room again filled with sweaty boys? You'll find out soon enough anyway."
"Yeah." I agreed, tuning out of the rest of Jeff's sentence.
"Come on Greenie! Let's go get dinner. No use in waiting around and being all anxious, is there?" Jeff pulled me from my thoughts, waving his hand in front of my face rapidly.
"I suppose you're right. I am a little hungry anyway." I persuaded myself to leave to room and follow Jeff to dinner.
It felt weird not walking behind Newt to dinner, and not having our usual conversations about each other's day. I didn't like it.
Jeff and I made our way to the small line for food. Another cook had taken Frypan's place while the Gathering was in place, and was now serving out a bowl of soup and bread. As I stepped up to be served, my nose was filled with the disgusting aroma the soup let off. With a loud splash, the soup sloshed around in my bowl.
"Thanks." I said through a grimace. I quickly turned and began to make my way to the table I had sat at for lunch. Luckily it was empty, and no one sat near it either.
I immediately pushed the bowl aside as I sat down, and began to nibble on the piece of bread that I was given.
"Never am I going to complain about Frypan's cooking after this." I grumbled to myself as I swallowed down the mouthful of bread. I just couldn't bring myself to eat anymore while I waited for Newt and Minho, so I chucked the bread aside too, and reverted to peering over a large bush to see if the Gathering was over yet.
"How's the view?" Minho's voice whispered behind me. I flung my body around as a gasp left my lips, and my heart momentarily stopped.
"Minho!" I complained weakly, trying to get my heart to pump blood again. An evil grin had worked its way onto his face as he sat beside me, the same bowl of soup in his hands.
"Wait, where's Newt?" I asked a little desperately, scanning the crowd for him.
"Just getting some dinner." Minho replied, pointing out Newt who was waiting in line.
"I wouldn't get my hopes up. The stuff is putrid." I grimaced again, catching a whiff of Minho's soup. It smelt like rotten seafood and wet socks, all mixed together with cabbage.
"Eh, I've had worse." Minho shrugged, spooning some of the soup into his mouth. My eyes returned to Newt, who was just coming over to the table, a similar look of disgust screwing his features up.
He plopped down across from Minho and I, and immediately poured the soup onto the ground behind him.
"I'm not even going to try and eat that." Newt nearly gagged. I watched him carefully, trying to detect any sign that the Gathering had gone badly.
"So what happened Newt?" I inquired quietly, my brows pulling up in concern.
"Like I had said. Nothing. Basically we discussed what your dream could mean, and if it lead to any possible clues in the Maze." Newt explained as he picked up the bread and sniffed it, before placing it back down on the table, clearly disgusted.
"Did anything less happen?"
"Aside from Gally's usual rant; no." Minho added, scooping the last of the soup into his mouth.
"Dude, how can you eat that stuff?" Newt asked in disbelief.
"I'm a Runner: I get hungry." He replied nonchalantly. The two boys continued to complain about the soup for a while, but I didn't really pay much attention to them. I was content watching the stars peacefully twinkle in the sky billions of miles away. It was as though someone had smothered my anxiety with a blanket; like an untamed fire, the anxious thoughts were put at ease with Newt's words.
Where would I be without Newt?

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