Chapter 40

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The light creak of a floorboard pulled me from a dreamless sleep. A heavy grogginess hung over me, forcing my body to remain still while my mind called me back to sleep.
I began to drift back into sleep, not bothered by the noise until it sounded again, much clearer and closer than before.

Expecting to open my eyes and have them flooded with light as Newt came to wake me, I was stunned to be met by the sheer darkness of night and an empty room.
With a small moan of complaint, I pulled my stiff body upright so that I was sitting up and facing the door. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I heard it again, echoed by the creak of my door slowly opening.

My mind screamed at me to be more alert and worried that someone was trying to sneak into my room in the middle of the night, but the heavy grogginess kept me at bay as I watched on. Slowly, a small figure snuck past the small gap in the door and shuffled towards me. My heart rate spiked as I suddenly realised that someone was approaching me.

"What are you doing?" My voice came out my hoarse than I excepted it to. The persons head slowly raised from the ground, and I could make out that familiar mop of hair.

"Chuck? What're you doing here buddy?" I asked, my voice softening back to a whisper.
It was too dark for me to see his face, but I heard the quiet sniffles escaping his mouth as he shuffled closer towards my bed.

"I-I had a b-bad nightmare." Chuck sobbed, dragging a hand clumsily across his wet cheeks.

Yet again, the little boy made my heart throb and melt away as I looked at him with sympathy.

"Hey, it's alright. It was just a dream; come here." I waved Chuck over, gesturing for him to sit beside me. He willingly did and leaned into my chest is I stroked his matted hair.
"Everyone gets nightmares here, Chuck; it's nothing to be ashamed of. And whatever you were dreaming of, I'm sure it will never happen." I assured quietly as Chuck's body silently racked with fear and sadness.

"I dreamt of meeting my parents. And I know tags will never happen." Chuck explained through sobs. I didn't really know what to say to that.

What do you say to that? How do I comfort him from that?

"Shh, it's okay now." I soothed. We both remained silent for a long time, until Chuck spoke up once again; his voice much clearer and stronger than before.

"Rosie, could you please get me a drink? It's really scary out there." He asked quietly. I couldn't help the small smile that played on my lips from the boys innocence.
"Sure, just wait here okay?" I felt him nod as I began to stand and walk towards the door.

I silently walked down to Frypan's kitchen, fetching a small glass and filling it with water from the tap. As the water slowly flowed from the stainless steel tap, a strong cool wind tore at my thin pyjamas, making them flap around around my figure.
Finally the cup was filled and I quickly made my way back to my room, eager to be comforted by the warmth of my blanket. As I approached my door, a sudden thought struck me.

"Hey Chuck, how did you find my room?" I asked quietly as I rounded the corner, only to be confronted with the quiet puffs escaping his lungs as he peacefully slept on my bed, sprawled across the mattress. A smile played at my lips as I placed the cup beside the bed, ready to wake Chuck up, until I heard thrashing around across from me.
Alarmed, I jolted upright and carefully made my way to inspect.

As soon as I reached me door, I knew exactly where the noise was coming from; Newt's room.

Instinct took over as I jumped to life, practically leaping to the door across from me and bursting through it. My eyes which were luckily adjusted to the darkness, fell upon Newt's body struggling amongst the blankets of his bed as small, indistinct words escaped through a raspy voice.

After realising he was having a nightmare, I would have expected my sudden entrance to at least cause Newt to stir a little, or even wake up; but it had no effect on him.

As I stumbled over to his bedside, I began to make out small phrases like "no, please!" Or "help me!". It worried me as all I could do was imagine what Newt was suffering. After a short period of contemplation, I finally decided that it was right that I wake Newt up.

Avoiding the flailing fists, I placed my cool hand on Newt's shoulder and lightly shook it until he had calmed down. Soon enough, Newt had settled back down; his breath returning to a steady pace eventually, however his eyes remained wide open and glued to the ceiling with terror.

"Newt, is everything alright?"
Idiot, of course things aren't alright!

It was as if Newt hadn't even realised I was there, because his head snapped over to face me as soon as I spoke, the glimmering tears streaking his red cheeks. His eyes wondered over my face for a moment, as if he were trying to register who was speaking to him. But when he did recognise me through the darkness, Newt pushed his tired body across the bed and patted the now empty space beside him. Awkwardly, I sat on the bed and leaned my upper body against the bed head and let Newt rest his head lightly on my lap. Feeling natural, I let my hand wonder down and brush the hair out of Newt's eyes and lightly play with it as the silence stretched on.

I contemplated asking if he wanted to talk about it, but decided otherwise when I glanced down at his head. If he wanted me to know, he could tell me. I wouldn't force it out of him.

As time went on, I began to feel sleep pulling at my eyelids and temptingly calling me to lay down and be consumed by sleep. Ever so gently, I began to shift out from beneath Newt's head and shuffle off from the bed. Just as I moved, Newt spoke up.

"No, please don't go just yet." He begged in a quivering voice. He almost frightened me, because I could have sworn he had fallen asleep.

"Of course." I whispered, returning to my original position. Again, I began to mess with Newt's hair mindlessly while I thought.

"Why?" I asked, unsure if I'd get an answer or not.

"Because you're keeping the bad thoughts away for now." He answered after a long pause; his voice  barely audible. I was stunned by Newt's answer, sure that it was just the fatigue making him so open towards me.

But suddenly it all became too much for me. The sweet silence and gently breeze breaking through the Homestead, and the warm blow of Newt's breath as he inhaled and exhaled steadily, his breath softly brushing against my bare thighs. I began to feel the weight of sleep pulling me under, and before I could do anything I felt my eyes droop close and the Glade disappear around me.

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