Chapter 29

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Thomas's P.O.V.
The sound of cheering and clapping could be heard from my room as it echoed through the compound. Curious, I stumbled out the door and followed the raucous noise, knowing all too well that any noise in WICKED leads to dreadful things. But I just had to know what was happening this time.
I hope it has nothing to do with Rosie. She's just a little girl who did nothing to deserve this kind of life. But at least it's better then fending for herself out there with the cranks.
Ava had made sure that my new, extensive training would take up all free time I had; including the only time I had to see Rosie. Even if it was through a screen, it was better than nothing.
But still, I haven't had the time to sneak into the observation room for a week, so who knows what Ava has planned to do with her 'obsticle' as she puts it.
As I walked down the familiar hallways, the sound seemed to fade away. I began to worry that I was going in the wrong direction, until I stumbled upon the observation room; the door sealed shut as always.
Temptation gnarled at me as I stopped in my tracks and watched the door.
It would be so easy just to open the door and look in. I just need to check that Rosie is fine, and then I will get back to training. I persuaded myself.
My had seemed to move slower than ever as it gripped the icy metal handle and twisted it. The door clicked open, and as I pushed it open I came to realise that the cheering had originated from this room.
"What's going on in here?" I called out through the crowded room. No one payed any mind to me as they all stared up at the largest screen in anticipation. My eyes flickered over to the screen, and to my horror I saw Rosie being tackled by a crazed Glader. The blood boiled in my veins as I searched the room for her. She was bound to be here if something terrible was happening to Rosie.
Disgust filled me as it became apparent why everyone was cheering. They wanted this to happen, and as my eyes scanned across each of their faces, I noticed everyone had a blood thirty smile curling their lips over their teeth.
"Where is she? Where is the Chancellor?" My voice boomed over all others, and soon everyone's eyes were on me.
"Where is she?" I repeated, a little quieter this time.
"What are you doing here Thomas? You should be training." Ava spoke up, stepping through the crowd and into view.
"What are you doing to her?" I demanded, barging through the crowd to get to Ava.
"We are simply taking control of a situation you caused. We were losing control of subject B11, so we did what was necessary." She replied with a calm and placid demeanour.
"Really? Because it looks like you are setting up a boxing match between the Gladers!"
"Thomas, this was the only way to do it without rising suspicion. We are only having to do this in the first place because you were blinded by love for your sister. Everything that happens to Rosie is on your shoulders." Just as Ava finished, I heard a loud thud through the speakers. I glanced over to see Minho tackling the guy, and Newt carrying an unconscious Rosie away.
"That." Ava pointed to the screen, leaning closer to me. "Is your fault." She whispered, straighten up.
"No." I barely whispered. All the noise around me seemed to fade away, and all I could hear were those four horrible words repeating over and over again.
"It's all your fault."

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