Chapter 56

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The night was long and uncomfortable, between stirring on the cold, hard ground, craving Newt's warm cuddles, and trying to ignore the loud echo of my brother's snoring. It felt strange to call Thomas my brother, but I figured there was no beating around the bush; I was his sister, he was my bother.

I couldn't have been happier at the sight of the sun peeking over the walls, and Newt waltzing over to the Slammer; hair still dishevelled and eyes still clouded with sleep. But nonetheless, Newt looked adorable as ever.

Thomas remained asleep, curled up into a ball in the opposite corner as Newt knelt down, extending a hand for me to take. I immediately grasped it, pulling his hand up to my face. Newt softly caressed my cheek as he spoke up in a croaky voice.

"Morning Love, I missed you. Couldn't sleep much without you by my side," Newt murmured, keeping his voice low to ensure Thomas wouldn't wake up. I felt a pang of guilt, knowing Newt had tossed and turned all night from nightmares, and I wasn't there to help.

"I'm sorry, Newt. I wish I could've been there for you," I pouted, leaning into his touch. I could see the deep lines and dark circles hollowing his eyes from lack of sleep, and I couldn't help but feel responsible.

"No, Rose; don't blame this on you. It's no ones fault." Newt assured, gently pulling my face to his, only the bars separating us.

"No, if I wasn't so different from everyone, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Your differences are a gift, they're one of the many things about you that I love," Newt admitted, blood rushing to his cheeks.

"They're my curse," I laughed with little humour in the words.

"Don't say that. It's not that bad, honest," Newt countered, but the hollow eyes said otherwise.


"Just enjoy the small amount of time we have alone..." Newt paused to glanced at Thomas, who was still fast asleep, "well sorta," he chuckled.

"You're right," I sighed, putting my bad mood behind me.

"How was you're night?" Newt questioned.

"It sucked without you there," I pouted, giving Newt puppy-dog eyes. "Is there anyway you can get me outta here?"

"Love, I wish I could, but Alby's got his eye on me, doesn't bloody trust me," Newt complained.

"So he should," I smirked, grabbing hold of his collar and pulling him into a heated kiss.

"Please guys, I have no where to go to get away from this," Thomas' deep voice whined behind me, startling both Newt and I. We pulled away immediately, cheeks bright-cherry red.

"O-oh, ah morning Tommy," Newt stuttered, rising from the ground.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas cut straight to the point.

"Well I came to bring ya both breakfast," Newt smiled sweetly at me, passing a white bag through the wooden bars. I took the bag, placing it on the ground for Thomas and I to inspect. Inside were two rations of stale bread and berries.

"Wow, this is great," I replied sarcastically with a grimace.

"Sorry Love, it was all I was allowed to give ya. Here's some water to wash it all down." Newt handed us each a metal cup of water.

"Thank you Newt," I responded appreciatively, tearing a piece of bread off and taking a bite. It was tough and leathery in my mouth.

"Newt!" Alby's distant call broke the silence.

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