Chapter 7

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Newt asked again for the hundredth time as we walked into the kitchen for a quick snack, before we had to go to the Medjack's. Despite Newts' protest, I was going to get some breakfast first.
I let a loud sigh escape my lips, hoping it would hint him off that I was getting tired of being hounded with the exact same question. As usual, Newt seemed oblivious, and continued to nag me for an answer.
"Rosie?" He called out as he stepped in front of me to get my attention.
"Yes Newt, Im completely, 100% fine." My croaky voice gave me away, and Newt scowled down at me.
"Rosie, it's alright to tell me if you're hurt, you know that right?"
"Why do you care about me so much? I told you I'm fine, isn't that enough?" I snapped, feeling fed up with everyone in this stupid place.
All I wanted was to lay down and have some peace and quiet. Why was that so impossible around here? I looked up into Newts eyes and saw a glimmer of hurt, however he quickly covered it up.
"I care because I'm bloody worried about you! You were just strangled and threatened to be killed, and you're actin' as though nothing bloody happened! Any sane person would think that something is wrong, and I just wanna know what it is." Newt retorted, his voice raising in anger.
"Maybe I dont want to tell you what's wrong! Look Newt, I just want to be alone for a while, is that so much to ask for?" I huffed as I spun around on my heels and stormed out of the kitchen. I didnt look back to look at Newt as I ran towards the forest in this place, despite the numerous strange looks people gave me.
I kept running deep into the forest until my body felt numb and my chest felt on fire with the desire for oxygen. I didn't stop until I came into a small clearing filled with beautiful jasmine flowers that let off a sweet scent in the air. I inhaled deeply, taking in my surroundings. This was just the place I needed to be; away from everyone and their stupid drama.

I walked over and slumped down against one of the trees that surrounded the little meadow and closed my eyes.
I hate being here, filled with a bunch of clueless, annoying boys that don't know about alone time. I hate being so alone and different. I hate how everyone see's me as a threat to their little community.
I thought of all different things as I lay there; why would anyone want to do this to a bunch of teenagers? Why was I the only girl in this place? What did Gally mean by he saw me, and what the heck was the Changing? I had no answers, and was about as confused as when I woke up here.

I sat up against the tree and nibbled on the apple I had taken when I was in the kitchen as I rummaged through my head for memories. I imagined myself searching through my brain for some clue or sliver of memory, but came up completely blank.
After a while, the strenuous thinking gave me a headache and I gave up, just relaxing and closing my eyes; everything that had happened had me so physically and mentally tired that I easily fell asleep, gladly greeting the peaceful darkness.


I stared helplessly up into his teary honey gold eyes, my eyes blurred with tears of my own. One of the tears fell from his eyes and splashed on my cheek as he squeezed them tight. I don't know where I was going, but I knew I didn't want to go; I knew something horrible was going to happen.

"Whats going on Thomas? What are you doing? Please help me!" I sobbed as he wheeled me on a hospital bed down through the white corridors.

"I'm sorry Rosie, I have to, but you're going to be with him soon. You and Newt can be together again. Just promise me something. Dont forget him. Dont forget Newt. I love you Rosie, dont you ever forget that." The boy I called Thomas gave me a weak smile as we came to a stop. Thomas disappeared from my view, and with all my strength, I tried to see where he went, however something held my head and limbs firmly to the bed.

I heard the hiss of hydraulics and a door swing open before Thomas came back into view and continued to push my bed. We entered a dark, cold room filled with technology and medical equipment. I could hear me name being called in the distance, but couldn't pin where it was coming from. It was as if it came from all around. The voice continued to get louder as everything faded away into darkness.

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