Chapter 68

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I brushed past Newt towards the door, struggling to hold the tears in.

"Rosie wait," Newt spoke up, his face filled with just as much pain as mine. "The girl, she said she wants to see you," his voice cracked as he tried to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, okay," I muttered before quickly leaving the room. As soon as I got out into the hall, I fell to my knees, no longer able to support myself. "What did I do to deserve this?" I sobbed into my hands. I could hear through the thin walls the quiet, muffled sobs from Newt which only tore me apart further.

I did that. That's all my fault. I told myself, the sobs suddenly stopping. For a second, I feared my body had been taken control of again, but I soon realised it was all me. I don't deserve to cry. I wasn't the one whose heart was torn to pieces by the one person they loved and trusted. The cold voice echoed through me, and with that I felt myself grow colder, harder as I wiped the no longer streaming tears from my face. I don't deserve any pity, so I will not weep.

I made my way through the Homestead up to the room where I knew Teresa was in. I focused hard on sending a message out to her, not even sure if what had happened last night was even real. Maybe it was just a hallucination from the events, i mean, telepathy?

I coming. I thought.

Come to the forest, I'm with Thomas in the corner. She responded rather fast, shocking me. Either I'd finally lost it or I really am communicating with a girl telepathically.

I made a B-line out of the Homestead and straight over to the Deadheads, hoping no one would for whatever reason follow me. Boys looked at me strange, no wonder though. With the bloodshot, puffy eyes from crying and hard, cold expression on my face, they were probably wondering what had happened between Newt and I.

I began to wonder why Teresa was with Thomas, and why they were in the Deadheads. Once I finally made my way to the pair, I immediately recognised the terror on Thomas' face.

What did you do to my brother? I growled, glaring at Teresa.

"Y-you can d-do it to?" Thomas stuttered, his eyes growing wider and mouth gaping.

"What's going on?" I asked sternly, ignoring Thomas' question.

All three of us have a connection, a way of communicating across any distance from anywhere. I can't remember much since I woke, but I believe WICKED gave us this ability for a reason. We're special.

"C-can you please just talk normally?" Tom stuttered, obviously uncomfortable. I don't blame him, to have someone speak in your head feels like an invasion of privacy. Not as much as having control of your body taken away.

"Wait, did you say you remember things? What sort of stuff, like from before the Maze?" I asked, for once not feeling so stand out and alone.

Teresa thought for a moment, "Not really. I remember something about Maze, and one phrase that echoed through my head over and over again-"

"WICKED is good," I finished, my mind elsewhere, back the conversation I had with Teresa the previous night.

"Exactly," she responded.

"Hold up, how'd you know that Rose?" Thomas questioned.

"Teresa reached out to me last night when I was being controlled, asking if I had triggered the Ending yet."

"Okay first of all, you did this? And second of all, what the hell do you mean by 'being controlled'?" Tom became more and more confused. My stomach dropped, realising my mistake.

"What I'm about to tell you has to stay between us, the only other person who knows is Newt, and he doesn't really believe me there." I sighed, trying not to pity myself. 

"What's going on?"

"The whole reason I was missing, why you saw me in the Deadheads last night, and why Newt seems very out of it today, isn't because the sky suddenly disappeared. Please believe me when I say this: Something was controlling me last night. I woke up, and I couldn't move, I couldn't speak or even blink on my command. Then, I started to move and speak against my will. Whatever was controlling me must hate me, because they made me scream at Newt that I never loved him, that I was only using him. I was only able to fight it off for a few seconds to try and explain to Newt, but then I was gone again. I ran off into the Deadheads, after that I don't remember too much, I couldn't focus, then you found me and I ran and hid in a tree. Now Newt thinks I hate him, I think I broke the Glade and there's no way no  anyone will believe me. They'll call me a traitor and send me to join Gally with the Grievers." I cried out, anxiety taking over.

"I can back her up, that's when I reached out to her," Teresa assured as Thomas thought things out.

"Please, big brother, please tell me you believe me, I can't have you turned on me either," a tear escaped my eye.

"I do, I believe you, because I know the feeling. I can't explain it, but I remember being control, forced to do something against my will; that's something I will never forget, memory wipe or not. But what I don't understand is why. Why would they make you do that to Newt? I can understand using you to trigger the Ending, but why attack Newt like that?"

"I don't know, which scares me. But what scares me more is what if it happens again, to someone else? They could make me attack someone, or run off into the Maze!" Fear dug its claws into me.

"I don't think they will. There's nothing else to be done. I think they're testing us- not just with the Maze, but how we react to each other, our emotions?" Teresa spoke up, soothing me somewhat.

"What about Newt? He's heartbroken right now because of me, and I can't even try and convince him it wasn't me, its confusing the hell out of him!"

"I'll talk to him, I'm sure he will believe you eventually, I mean it sounds to absurd to go through what you two have and then suddenly say that you hate him," Thomas assured.

"Yeah, that's what I hope," I sighed.

"What the hell is going on here," Alby's deep, angry voice echoed through the forest, scaring the crap out of the three of us, Newt and Minho by his side.

So here's another chapter, as promised! And remember waaayy back when I said this story will be quite a bit different from the books? Well this is where things start to change, but don't worry it'll all work out in the end, just not in the way you'd think😉

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