Chapter 5

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~~~~Third Person~~~~
"Good morning ma'am. Sorry to wake you at this hour, but you are required immediately in the Maze A observation room." Ava's assistant announced as he stepped into the Chancellors bedroom.
"Okay, I'll be right over." Ava replied, her voice hoarse from sleep. Thankfully, Ava had been so busy the previous night that she fell asleep in her uniform, and was able to rush down to the observation room after straightening her clothes out.
"What's going on Allan?" Ava inquired as she entered the room. Everything was dark inside, the only light illuminating the room was a small lamp in the corner and the observation screens. The room was nearly empty compared to what it usually was; just Allan, one of the psychs, and a few others Ava didn't recognise. They were all huddled together in front of the largest screen, all intently watching.
"It's subject B11, she beginning to remember her name." Allan muttered, never peeling his eyes from the screen. Ava took a step forward to see the screen, and saw Subject B11 stirring in her sleep.
"And how is that a problem? All of the subjects do, if you haven't noticed." Ava snapped, annoyed.
"She is also beginning to remember other things." Allan said, finally taking his eyes off the screen.
"What is she remembering?" Ava questioned as she rushed over to the the screen with everyone else.
"Not much yet. Just a memory of when her and Subject A5 were running away from WICKED guards." Another worker answered, pointing to a smaller screen, indeed showing Subject B11 running down the WICKED corridors.
"Well what are you waiting for? Use the chip in her killzone to change it up, make her think it's just a dream! Remove Subject A5 and the guards from the memory, however leave  A5's audio in. I want to get some patterns from this" Ava ordered. The few night shift workers that were present sprung to life as they rushed over to there workstations and began to gain control over Subject B11. Ava stayed where she was and continued to watch the screen as the memory was altered.
"What now Chancellor?" Allan called out from across the room.
"Trap her in a room with no doors or windows for a moment, then have Subject A5 wake her up." She barked.
"Yes ma'am."
"Why do you think Subject B11 is beginning to remember things? We have already discovered that she finds A5 familiar." Allan stated once B11 had awoken.
"I'm not sure. Someone call Thomas in for questioning. He has a few thing to explain." Ava commanded.
One of the workers silently left the room in search of Thomas. It wasn't long after and the same worker and Thomas filed through the door.
Thomas's eyes flickered to the screen that showed A5 and B11 quietly talking together. A strange combination of sadness and joy tugged at Thomas's heart as he watched his sister, who had completely forgotten he exists, laughing with Newt, his best friend. He couldn't have been more happy that Rosie and Newt we getting along, and that Rosie hadn't quite forgotten Newt, yet he longed for the long, meaningless conversations he shared across the dinner table with Rosie, and her warm, inviting smile that seemed to light up the entire room.
He missed his sister more than anything.
"Would you care to explain why Subject B11 is beginning to regain her memories Thomas?" Ava questioned as she placed her hands on her hips, pulling Thomas from his thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Subject B11 just remembered a memory in her dream. Luckily we were able to cover it up. You were the one who performed the Swipe on her, so mind telling us what you did wrong?"
"The Swipe was successful with Rosie. Nothing went wrong." Thomas explained, his brow frowning over his eyes in irritation.
"Then why is she remembering things?" Ava raised her voice. Thomas thought for a reasonable explanation.
"It is likely that the strong connection Newt and Rosie shared before the Maze trials has remained with them, and is only hidden. It seems that Rosie is only remembering things associated with Newt, so the strong emotional bond that ties them together is unearthing small memories about each other." Thomas explained. Everyone remained silent as they considered what he said.
"You know you must be punished for what you have done Thomas." Ava announced abruptly.
"Your decision to send Rosie into Maze A was not calculated and unauthorised. We cannot have anyone thinking that that is acceptable. As punishment, you will remain in this observation room all day, everyday for the next 2 weeks." The Chancellor declared.
"What if you send me into Maze A?" Thomas breathed, not even thinking.
"Excuse me?" Ava shrieked, astonished.
"Send me into Maze A as punishment. This isn't a rash decision Ms. Paige, think about it! I know that maze better than anybody else, and Maze A subjects are falling behind in comparison to Maze B. If I am out into the Maze, a similar effect would occur to me with the Maze that has with Rosie and Newt. I will still be able to help them escape, you will be able to get even more killzone patterns, and Maze A subjects will escape at the scheduled date." Thomas persuaded.
"Thomas, you're being ridiculous. You and Teresa know that you must remain here until phase 2 of the trials." Ava retorted, crossing her arms across her shoulder with a huff.
"He has a good point, ma'am. Maze A is indeed falling behind, and at the rate they're going, we're not even sure if they will figure out the code. They could use with the aid of Thomas." Allan added.
"Are you serious Allan? We can't send Thomas into the Maze, he is needed here!" Ava shouted.
"My test results show that I'm the perfect candidate to be inserted into the Maze. I put them in there, at least let me help them get out." Thomas's voice decreased to a whispers she pleaded his superior. Ava remained silent as she thought, her face contorting with concentrating. She let out a sigh of defeat, realising there was no real reason Thomas shouldn't be sent into the Maze, and spoke up.
"Fine, you will be scheduled to be sent up in two months. You will be put under extreme physical training in preparation for insertion, as well as mental training to ensure you remember how to escape, and fight to become a Runner."
"Thank you, Ms. Paige, I'm more than grateful." Thomas said as he was about to leave the room.
"There's only one catch, however." Ava called out. Thomas turned around to face her.
"Teresa will also be sent in after you." A smirk twitched at the corner of her lips as she spoke.
"What?" Thomas asked, shocked.
"That is all. Allan, ensure Thomas here makes it back to his dorm." And with that, Ava turned around to focus on the screen.
Thomas stood there, shocked and outraged at the Chancellors words.
Teresa can't go in! Shes not prepared or trained for it! She doesn't deserve this kind of punishment. Why does Ava even want to put her in the Maze trials? Thomas thought as Allan nudged him towards the door.
What is she planning?

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