Chapter 4

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I stumbled around turn after turn in this maze of white walls. The bright white light blinded me as it reflected off of the impeccably white walls, and my feet echoed and bounced off of the walls as I ran down the endless corridors, turning right, then left, then left and right again.
I just kept running, until my chest burned with the furious desire for oxygen and my legs felt more numb with every thud against the cold hard floor. I didn't even know what I was running for, all I knew was I was looking for someone.
Everything about this placed seemed familiar; I could recall the familiar smell of strong cleaning chemicals that hung in the air and never seemed to go away, and the countless plain, uncoloured walls that seemed to stretch on forever. Everything about this place rang of familiarity.
I could hear it again; a faint voice yelling, their words unclear. Somehow, I made myself run even faster, everything around me blurring together. The voice grew louder and more coherent, until it was all I could hear. The deep, accented voice reverberated through my chest and whole body, and seemed to come from all around me.
"Run Rosie! Run, don't let them catch you! Rosie! Rosie run!" The familiar voice screamed, their voice trembling with fear and urgency. I swung my head around to see no one behind me, just the same walls and empty hallways, yet I continued to run as though my life depended on it.
"Rosie, please run! You can't let them take you. Just keep running Rosie, I know you can do it!" The voice continued to call out, lowering to almost a whisper.
I know who that voice belongs to, I know it. I thought to myself as I turned another corner. It was like it was just out of reach. Their face would start to come into view, and just before I can make out who it is, they disappear.
"Please Rosie, I know you can hear me. Just keep running, you're almost there, don't stop!" The voice faded away, and all I could hear was my feet crashing down on the marble floor once again.
I kept replaying what they said over in my mind, focusing on how they said the name Rosie. And that's when I realised who I was looking for, and who was yelling at me.
It was Newt.
My heart pounded against my chest as I rounded another corner and came to a halt. It was a dead end. I turned to go back, but a wall somehow just appeared and boxed me in, trapping me.
"Newt? Newt!" I screamed as loud as I could.  I brought my fists up against the wall and pounded down against it until my body went numb. The wall wouldn't even budge.
"Newt!" I screamed agian.
"Rosie!" He called back.
"Help me Newt! Please help me." I pleaded as I sunk to the floor and began to sob, my body quivering with fear. He never answered, and everything remained silent.
I didn't know what to do; I was trapped in who knows where.
So I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that somebody; anybody, would come and help me.
But no one came.
****Newt's P.O.V.****
Bloody nightmares. Apparently everyone here gets them, and it's all natural, but I hardly think that my nightmares are natural.
Nearly every night I wake up thrashing around in bed, covered in sweat. And after that I can't get back to sleep unless I walk outside for a while and full my lungs with cool, fresh air.
It's the same thing every buggin time. I'm running through the the Maze like I did when I was a Runner. I'm almost finished for the day, and I'm on my way back to the Glade, I just have a few more turns to go and then I'm back.
I turn another corner of the Maze, and suddenly hear a horrible, ear-piercing scream, followed by the sound of metal scraping against metal. I turn around, and see a Griever coming form around a corner of the Maze, then another, and another. More and more keep coming until there's half a dozen of 'em, all just waiting there, watching me.
Finally I turn around and begin sprinting away from them. I don't even have to look back to know that their following me, I can hear them.
Panic and fear shoots through me like a bullet as I try to figure out where to go; the doors are about to close and I can't get trapped in here with them.
So I run to the Glade, hoping that maybe, just maybe I could outrun them, or that the door will shut before they get here.
But they don't.
I run through the doors of the Maze and look around. Everyone is just working, seemingly unaware of the dire situation. I look behind me, and the Grievers are hurtling towards me. Fear sqeezes my body tight, and I'm unable to move as the distance closes between the Grievers and I.
I shut my eyes tight, preparing myself for the pain, but when it doesn't come, I open them to look around. All around me are the Glader's, dead.
All of them; Minho, Alby, Jeff, Clint, Winston, they're just lying there bloodied and lifeless.
"You did this. This is your fault." Someone says, their voice devoid of emotion.
"No." I barely whisper before turning around and running into the Maze just as the doors slam shut behind me.
By then I wake up with tears streaming my face and I take a walk outside for fresh air.

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