Chapter 19

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"Wait up Newt!" I called after Newt, jogging after him until I matched his pace. Newt slowed down a little, allowing me to walk at a normal pace.
As o walked outside, I took a big whiff of the air around me, and immediately recognised the smell of fresh, warm bread mixed I with the body odour of 60 sweaty boys all together. At first all I could smell was the wonderful bread, until a breeze picked up and wafted the bitter smell of sweat and dirt my way.
"Frypan made fresh bread?" I chirped, rushing over to join the long line of revenues boys.
"Mhmm. Smells good, don't it?" Newt agreed, visibly breathing in the scent of fresh bread that made everyone's mouths water.
"Probably the best thing to come from Fry's kitchen since I got here." I commented through a light chuckle.
I eagerly held on to the plate that was yet to be filled with sandwiches as ever so slowly, the line got shorter and shorter.  Finally, I was greeted by the log,eye sight of Frypan holding out a tach of sandwiches; some thick with lettuc, tomato and some kind of meet, while others were plain and simple and just had some sought of spread smeared along as.
"Thank you so much Frypan!" I exclaimed, my stomach growling at the sight of food.
"No problem Rosie! Hope you enjoy." Frypan replied with a wide smile as I stored aside to allow Newt to get his lunch.
While I waited, my eyes scanned across the overflowing picnic table in sight of Minho. I eventually spotted him sitting alone at an old, rotting table in the far back, shaded by an ancient oak tree, who's branches hung low to the ground and littered the courtyard with dying leaves.
"Did you find Minho?" Newt asked as Je leaned down, his face beside mine so that he was in my line of vision.
"Yeah. Over there in the back" I pointed. Once Newt caught sight of the Runner, he was limping towards him in no time. I couldn't help but think of Newt plummeting high from one of the Maze walls each time I saw his limp. It only seemed more prominent now that I knew what caused it; and the sound of bone shattering on impact echoes though my head each time, causing an ice cold shiver to run down my spine and spread along my arms and legs.
"All good back there Greenie?" Newt glanced over his shoulder momentarily, before he returned his attention to weaving through the crowd of loud boys.
"Hmm? Oh right!" I mumbled through a nervous chuckled, forcing the sounds and images as far to the back of my mind as possible; but I knew they'd be back too soon.

"Hey! Look who it is: the Greenie and Newt!" Minho shouted as soon as he realised it was us approaching him.
"Hey Minho! Enjoying the day off?" I asked curiously as I began to dig into the mouth-wateringly good sandwiches.
"You bet I am shank! I got to sleep in, and hang around you 2 all day!" Minho jabbered, thrilled.
"I'm overjoyed." Newt muttered sarcastically, to which I couldn't stop the giggle escaping my lips. Minho just stared between the 2 of us in disbelief; his jaw agape slightly.
"He does have a point Minho." I added, siding with Newt on this one.
"How could you say that Newt? After all we've been through!" Minho kidded, throwing his hands above his head dramatically. Newt just shook his head; a hint of a smirk on his lips as he stuffed half the sandwich in his mouth.
"So Newt, how did your little talk go with you know who?" Minho pressed, horribly hinting towards me.
"Oh, you mean the one where he asked if I said yes to Zart? Yeah, that's right Minho; I caught you." Minho's eyes widened slightly as I spoke, and I watched in amusement as he struggled to come of with an excuse.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Minho refuted, playing with his sandwich.
"Give it up Minho. Greenie here is smarter than ya think." Newt added through a playful laugh.
"Fine! I set it all up!" Minho puffed in defeat, slouching down and pouting like a little toddler.
"Wait, you even got Zart to ask me out?" I asked in disbelief, feeling a little angered now.
"What? No! I just set Newt up to ask you." Minho replied in a smug, proud tone.
"Well, what did you say?" Minho pried, leaning over the counter.
"I said no." I answered in a 'duh' kind of tone.
"Because I didn't want to? Do I need a reason other than that?"
"Well no, I was just curious." Minho defended, slumping back into his seat across from Newt and I.
"That reminds me Greenie. I heard that there will be another Gathering held in your honour." Minho stated with a mouthful of food.
"How have you hear so much in just a couple of hours?" Newt spoke up after swallowing the last of his sandwich
"People talk." Minho replied simply.
"So is it true? What's it all about?" I gulped down my food,  and turned to look at Newt; silently asking him whether to tell Minho or not.
"Stop sharing lovey dovy eyes across the table and tell me!" Minho pried, yet again leaning closer.
"Well I had this dream last night; we think it's a memory. I was younger, and talking to a woman about the Maze trails." I confessed, leaning so close to Minho that it probably looked like we were kissing from a distance.
"Are you serious? Is that the only time it has happened?" He pressed further.  I glanced back to Newt,  who simply nodded his head.
"No. It's been happening since I first arrived."
"But you can't tall anyone! Especially Alby. It's strictly confidential between you, Rosie and I." Newt backed up. We both watched as Minho processed the new information.
"Yeah, sure. So what do the dream usually consist of?" I let out a defeated sigh. This was the one question I didn't want to answer.
Minho is never going to forget this. I thought as I spoke up.
"Up until last night; Newt." I answered, letting my head hang low to avoid Minho's prying eyes.
My eyes darted up as the sound of laughter echoed through the Glade.
"I knew it! How do ya feel that the Greenie's dreamin' about you Newt?" Minho asked through bursts of laughter.
"Shut your hole now Minho,  or you'll regret it." I warned in a low tone.
"What are you gonna do, dream about me?" Minho teased,  arching back with laughter.
"Oh, you wanna see? Alright." I remarked evily as I began to climb on top of the table.
"Hey everyone!" I cupped my hands around my mouth to get everyone's attention.
"What are you doing Rosie?" Minho asked cautiously. By now everyone was gathering around our table.
"Was everyone aware that we are in the presence of a master poet?" I asked, to which the majority of boys shook their heads, and glanced between each other in confusion
"No, Rosie stop!" Minho begged. I thought about if for a moment, but knew Minho wouldn't stop all of this nonsense unless I went through with it. And besides, I had already gathered a crowd!
"Our Keeper of the Runners, Minho here likes to write poetry! Maybe I should recite something?" A cacophony of yeses and yeah's filled the Glade at my question.
I glanced down at Minho, who was as bright as a beetroot, and Newt, who was laughing his but off.
I cleared my throat to regain everyone's attention, waiting for everyone to fall silent.
"Ah what a shame! Looks like I forgot!  Sorry guys, maybe next me." I teased, to which everyone awed and booed while dispersing.
I hopped back down and sat next to Newt again; an evil smirk spread across my face.
"I warned ya. Just be thankful I decided to ne nice. But if I hear anymore of the nonsense from you,  don't think I won't hesitate to tell the whole Glade." I warned further. Minho's face was still bright red when I finished, and I had to hold back the snickers. Newt on the other hand couldn't.
"That was amazing!" Newt wheezed, bent over the table gasping for air.
"Easy for you to say." Mingo muttered under his breath.
"Alright, I think Minho has suffered enough. But remember when you said I suck at getting revenge? What are your thoughts now?" I dragged out the 'now' as a leant in closer to Minho.
"Fine! You know how to get revenge! Can you please never do that again?" Minho pleaded, his eyes large with a little desperation.
"Alright! But now you know how it feels to be on the other end of the embarrassment."
"Yeah yeah." Minho mumbled as he got up and left the table.
Newt and I exchanged a quick glance before cracking up laughing again.

What a normal day it is. Strange for this place.

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