Chapter 27

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"Shouldn't we check on Jack before we go to bed?" I asked as Minho, Newt and I made our way up to rickety stairs. Minho and Newt exchanged a quick glance before speaking up.
"It's alright Rosie. Clint and Jeff will be fine, plus he will be well and truly going through the Changin' by now, and you don't wanna see it." Newt assured. I frowned, knowing that Jeff and Clint shouldn't have to do it on their own. Minho stopped to go into his room, but not before waving us off.
"Alright, I guess you're right" I lied, already planning to go visit Jack.
"I always am." Newt remarked, shooting a smug grin to me.
"Whatever you say, Mr. Newt." I scoffed
"You guys do realise these aren't actual walls separating us, so I can hear everything you say?" Minho's slightly muffled voice called out from the room just behind us. Both Newt and I silently looked over to the room, until I got an evil idea. I looked back to Newt and gave him a wicked grin and winked, causing him to frown out of confusion.
"Come into my room Newt." I purred seductively, loud enough for Minho to hear. Newt's eyes widened with shock, and his chest rose and fell rapidly as he panicked. I gestured for him to go along with the joke, and he soon caught on.
"No, my bed is bigger." Newt's deep voice murmured equally seductively and echoed down the hall. I could see even in the dim lighting Newt's cheeks flush with blood as he spoke, and felt my own cheeks redden as well.
Well I certainly didn't think I'd hear Newt say that to me; although I didn't think I'd ever speak to Newt like this either, even if it is a joke.
"What? Don't you dare, this Glade doesn't need any babies runnin' around!" Minho yelled out desperately. I could hear the shuffling around from his room as he desperately tried to make it to the door.
"Come on!" I whispered to Newt as I dragged him into my room, and closed the door just enough to cover us up, but we could still see. Minho burst through the wooden door, nearly slipping and falling on his face as he bolted to the end of the hall and practically ran through Newt's door. I struggled to muffled my giggles as Minho continued to try and see through the darkness of Newt's room.
"Looking for something?" I asked as Newt and I stepped out from behind my door, our arms folded across our chests and innocent smiles planted on out lips.
"You two; don't ever do that again. I don't ever want to hear you say anything along the lines of that." Minho breathed, seemingly out of breath from relief and shock.
"It's not like we ever will." Newt scoffed, however there was a hint longing in his tone.
"Whatever. I'm gonna try and get some beauty sleep; keep it down okay?" Minho stated, clearly exhausted.
"Sure thing. Goodnight you two." Newt mumbled as he made his way towards the open door that led to his bedroom.
"Night." I replied, also heading towards my bedroom, but I had no intentions of going to sleep right away.
I waited until the cacophony of snores filled the Homestead before daring to venture off. My door seemed to cooperate with me, opening without a sound. I crept up to Newt's door and placed my ear delicately against the makeshift wall, and was relieved to hear the small puffs of air escaping his mouth. I didn't even need to creep up to Minho's room to hear him snoring like a steam train; you could hear it from outside.

With the cost clear, I began my ascend up the unfamiliar stair case towards the off limits Medjack room. It seemed to get cooler and creepier the further I went, the number of torches illuminating my pathway getting slimmer, until there was just one left by Jack's door, sending an orange light to stretch along down the long, dark hall.

I placed my feet carefully as I approached the room that contained Jack. Just as I had before with Newt, I put my ear up against the door to check for any signs of Jeff or Clint; but there was nothing. Only the sounds of Jack's heavy, laboured breathing could be heard from the other side, along with the occasional moan.

With a deep breath and burst of courage and curiosity, I twisted the cool doorknob and pushed the door open, letting it swing around. The room was engulfed in complete darkness; more than my eyes were used to. I took a wary step through the threshold and towards where I estimated the bed to be, however as I got closer, the sound of Jack's breathing didn't get clearer like it should have. Just as my eyes began to adjust to the darkness, a low, inhumane moan sounded from behind me as I was tackled to the floor.

A vicious snarl gurgled up through Jack's throat as he struggled to hold me down in his weakened state. Something from his face dropped down and onto my cheek as I thrashed around desperately, and whether it was blood, sweat, saliva or a tear; I would never know.
"You're not supposed to be here! You shouldn't be here! You're one of 'em!" Jack sneered, his voice dripping with loathe. He managed to pin my wrists down either side of my head, and in that moment I let all instinct take over my body. A desperate, high pitched scream ripped my throat roar as I continued to struggle in Jack's grasp, earning myself a harsh slap across the cheek. The skin stung furiously where his slick hand grazed the skin, but I ignored the pain as I fought against his strength.

Jack seemed to pull his attention away from me for a second, looking back to grab something. I took my chances and squirmed out from beneath him, and bolted for the door. I was just about to escape when Jack's body tackled me to the ground yet again. I let another scream echo through the Homestead as Jack brought his fist crashing into the side of my head. My head raged with pain, and dark spots began to cloud my vision, but I was able to stay conscious long enough to hear the pounding footsteps rushing up the stairs, echoed by muffled shouts. Jack pulled out something that caught the light, and a flash of silver and green caught my eye. The glimmering green serum swirled around in Jack's grasp as ever so quickly he popped the cap of, and without hesitation buried the sharp needle deep in my neck. I gasped weakly, struggling to keep conscious. I felt the thick serum being forced into the muscle of my neck, and I felt the cold needle leave my neck.
"What are you doing?" Alby's powerful voice racked through my aching head as he came into my very hazed view. Jack kept the serum out of sight as he snarled up at Alby. Suddenly, a body rushed forward and yanked Jack from my limp body, and brought him crashing back to the ground, pinning him there.
"Newt, get Rosie out of here to Clint. Minho and I can take care of him." Alby ordered. With all the strength I had left, I managed to move my head so that I was looking up at Alby and Newt; or at least I guessed it was them. I couldn't really see through the dark haze that clouded my vision.

I faintly remember feeling a pair of hands slip around my waist and legs, and the feeling of movement rocking my body further into unconsciousness.
"What the bloody hell did I tell you shank?" Newt mumbled. I tried to respond, but all that came out of my mouth was a weak groan, and then everything faded away into nothing.

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