Chapter 22

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"Rise and shine Greenie. It's your second day on the job." Newt whispered while lightly shaking me awake.
My eyes fluttered open to see Newt's face very close to mine. Once he realised that I was awake, he immediately backed off and stood up straight.
As I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I spoke up.
"What time is it?" I questioned, my voice croaky from deep sleep. I looked out the small window that looked over the southern part of the Glade, and realised the sun was only just beginning to rise over the walls.
"6:30 on the dot." Newt answered while examining his exclusive watch. I had noticed no one else had one except the Runners, Newt and Alby.
"Ugh, why did you wake me up so early?" I groaned, rolling out of bed to stand up against Newt.
"You need an early start to get breakfast and prepare for the the day. Plus there's something I wanted to show you." That perked my interests.
"Ooh what is it?"
"It's nothing special. The Box comes up today with new supplies. You haven't had the chance to see it. Now get dressed and ready. I'll be waiting for you outside." Newt commanded lightly as he stepped outside, shutting the door behind him.
I eagerly walked over to the small wooden dresser that was placed beside the door and searched through it for some clothes. Finally, I pulled out a plain long white sleeved shirt that was a few sizes too big, and some denim shorts that came halfway up my thighs.
I gently ran my fingers through my hair in attempt to remove any knots that had formed during my slumber.
I remained silent as I walked over to the window and opened it, so that I could lean on the windowsill. I took a deep breath of the fresh cool air; enjoying the chill that ran through my body as the cold air travelled into my lungs and back out. My eyes scanned over the sleeping Glade, and I couldn't help but notice how it has changed me.
I came here wanting nothing more but to escape, but now I'm enjoying my days as they pass. It's only been 2 weeks since I was sent here, and I've changed so much. Who's done this to me? Where's the fierce girl who didn't trust anyone, and would have done anything to escape? I glanced back to the closed door behind me, knowing Newt was right behind it.
"You did this to me. You grew on me, and now I don't want to leave; not without you." I whispered to myself, so quiet it was barley audible.
I sighed quietly, realising I would have to leave soon. I took one last glance at the Glade before spinning on my heels and striding over to the door. The metal doorknob felt icy against my warm skin as I twisted it to open the door.
Just as I had thought earlier, Newt was patiently waiting outside my door, casually leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his broad chest; his head resting against the wall and his eyes closed tight, as though he were deep in thought.
I lightly cleared my throat to catch his attention, to which he barely moved. If he hadn't spoken up, I would have mistaken him to be asleep, he looked so peaceful.
"Are you ready?" Newt asked, slowly opening his eyes to look down at me.
"Yep." I answered awkwardly. I didn't really realise what I had said earlier until now, and I was beginning to realise how much Newt meant to me.
"Good. People are gonna start ta' wake up soon." Newt said dully as he pushed himself from the wall and began to walked down the hallway. I followed suit, quietly matching his steps while we walked.
We remained silent as we trudged through the Glade, the sound of the stone crunching beneath our shoes the only thing breaking the silence.
It didn't take long to reach the Box. When we did, I had to circle it for inspection.
"So that box is going to be full of supplies, just like it did when I came up?" I questioned, making my way to the side of Newt.
"Aha. Always has, and always will." Newt assured as he knelt over and picked one side of the metal door, straining to lift it. The hinges cried out as the door was lifted to reveal the same cage that I came up 2 weeks ago.
I couldn't help the shudder that ran through my body as I stared down the Box. It looked just the same as it did when I came up; several crates stacked messily on top of each other. The entire thing looked menacing and dark as it silently swayed back and forth slightly.
"Bringin' back memories?" Newt asked as he joined me, staring down into the Box.
"Unfortunately. What was it like when you came up, if it's alright that I ask?" I questioned abruptly. The thought of Newt waking up scared and alone in this box never really occurred to me. I always just assumed he kind of just woke up here, and has always been here since.
Newt's head raised at my question, but I didn't bother to turn to him. I couldn't really peel my eyes from the cage below me for some reason.
"The same as it is for everyone I guess. I woke up in a dark box, not able to remember anything." Newt muttered.
"I know that. What I meant was what was going through you mind when it happened? Who pulled you out? What did you think of the people when you fist met them?" I pressed, finally turning my body to face Newt. His brow furrowed together as he thought back.
"When I first woke up, all that was going through my mind was to escape. I didn't even realised I couldn't remember anything until someone asked my name. That's when I realised that I couldn't remember my last name, along with anything else. And it was Alby who pulled my out. When I first got here, there were only a few of us. Just me, Alby, and a few others who are no longer here." My face whitened as Newt said that, and I remembered him telling me about the graveyard in the Deadheads. I have made sure not to go too far in the Deadheads to stumble upon it.
"The next one up was Minho. It was quite funny when he came up. He had managed to grab a machete on his way up, and when he got out, he pulled it out and pointed it directly at my face. As he went to walk towards me, he tripped on his shoelace and face planted. This is the machete he tried to threaten me with." Newt said with a chuckle as he pulled an aged machete from it's shaft behind his back. I took it from his hands to examine. My fingers fumbled gently over the sharpened blade, and I could tell that it was recently sharpened: the edge of the blade a clean metallic silver while the rest remained a dirty, rusted colour. I handed it back to Newt, who slid it back into place and looked at me expectantly.
"Well that's my story. Come on, ladies first." Newt gestured to the Box. I gave him one last look before jumping down into the cage that delivered me here.

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