Chapter 18

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Rosie's P.O.V.
The strong smell of medical disinfectant clung to the air, making it thick and hard to breathe as I cleaned out a deep wound along one of the builders legs.
"How did you say you got this again?" I asked, momentarily looking up from the cut to the boy, who's face was scrunched up in pain.
"I was sawing a piece of wood that was leaning on my leg when it slipped and I accidentally sawed my leg." The boy explained through a wince.
"Wha?" I started, but decided it was better not knowing what was going through his mind when he decided it was a good idea to saw wood on his leg.
I chucked the bloodied cloth in the bin besides me as I sat up straight, my back aching from being bent over for so long.
"The good news is that I don't have to give you stitches. The bad news is you won't be able to walk for a couple of days. I will have a bed set up for you in here and you can stay there for a few days." I explained, getting up to find another roll of bandages. I found one along the second shelf and made my way back over to the boy; who never really told me his name. I gently began to wrap the bandage around his wound before tying it up.
"Just wait here until Clint comes to talk to you." I instructed, leading him over to the bed closest to the corner, alway from the line of of mildly injured boys. The injuries ranged from small cuts to splinter, and everything in between.
"Alright. Thank you." He said, his voice still strained with pain.
"And take one of these for the time being." I handed him a small white pill from a small bottle. He eyed it suspiciously, glancing from me to the pill and back.
"It's just a mild pain killer. Unless you want that leg to ache all night, I suggest you take it." I ordered, rolling my eyes at him before returning to my station.
"Hey Rosie. It's lunch time now, so everyone is going to have their break. Are you coming?" Clint asked as he and Jeff approached the door.
"Yeah sure! I'll just be a second. I still have to clean all this up." I gestured to my messy station, occupied with old bandages and medical equipment.
"Okay, we'll see you down there." Jeff replied, giving me a sweet smile. I nodded an answer before the two boys left the room, leaving the door open slightly.

I was busy packing the equipment away when I heard the door creak open slightly. I glanced up, expecting to see Jeff or Clint, however Zart stood in the doorway, his eyes darting around the room before finally landing on mine.
"Oh, hi Zart! Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked sweetly, continuing to pack up the bandages and disinfectant.
"No. Well yes there is. I was um; I was wanderin' if ya know, you'd like to." Zart stuttered, struggling for the right words. I stopped to face him, waiting for him to finish.
"I was wandering if ya'd like to go out with me?" Zart said in a quick breath. At first I couldn't understand what he said, the sentence jumbled together in a long slur. But I felt my face turn bright red once I understood him.
Out of habit, I nervously ran my hand through my fiery hair and bit my lower lip. It was now my turn to be lost for words.
"Oh, Zart. I-I'm flattered. But, um, I'm sorry, I'll have to say no. It's nothing against you- I'm just not interested in anything like that right now." I explained, my words catching in my throat. Zart's usually pale complexion had turned into a bright pink as I spoke, as mine had too.
"Oh, okay." Zart mumbled, his eyes avoiding mine. I felt horrible as he silently stared at his feet before quickly walking out of the room.
I let out a loud sigh I didn't know I was holding as I ran my fingers through my tangled hair again, turning my back to the door.
"God that was embarrassing." I muttered to myself as my knuckles turned white from strangling the bandage in my hands. I dreaded the sound of the door speaking open again, and I mentally prepared myself for the conversation I was going to have with Zart; positive he had come back for some reason.
But I was pleasantly surprised when I found Newt standing in the doorway; sweaty and frowning as usual.
"Thank gosh!" I muttered under my breath as I smiled at Newt.
"What was that Greenie?" Newt questioned.
"Oh, nothing!" I said through a nervous chuckle.
"So, what happened to you? You look like you just saw some shank run around naked." Newt remarked as he wondered over to my station, seeming to inspect one of the rolls of bandages.
"What? No! I'm just a little flustered is all. What brings you here anyway?" I questioned suspiciously, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from me. At my question, I couldn't help notice Newt's face growing red ever so slightly.
"Oh, well I just came here to uh, talk to you." Newt stammered whilst scratching the back of his neck.
"And what did you want to talk about?" I stared at him questioningly, one eyebrow cocked up.
"Minho told me that he heard that Zart was coming to ask you something." Newt added in a bored tone.
What a terrible act. I giggled to myself, realising that Newt was jealous. It was quite adorable.
Wait what?
"Oh yeah, he did. Just left actually." I chirped, my back facing Newt to hide my smile. I was gonna have some fun with this.
"So, what did he want to ask you?" Newt probed, even more 'interested' in the bandage now.
"Ya know, just wanted to know how my day was going, if I'm fitting in alright." My voice slowly got higher as I lied, and I had to resist the urge to break out into laughter. Newt finally looked up from the bandage to watch me. After I remained facing the shelves, he slowly walked over to put the bandage back on the shelf, and casually leant again the bench.
"Did he uh, ask you anything else?" Newt pried, his eyes observing me carefully.
"Like what?" I asked innocently, turning to face him with the best, clueless look I had. I could see it in his eyes that he realised I knew exactly what he was talking about, and I couldn't stop the smile that crept onto my face as Newt let out a loud sigh.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Newt stated in a defeated tone, rubbing his temples.
"No, I don't think I do.  Mind telling me what you're goin' on about?" I kept the act going, fiddling with my hands as I spoke.
"Did Zart ask you out?" Newt suddenly burst out, his face red and flustered as mine was moments ago.
"Ohhh. That's what this is all about! Yeah, he did." I said plainly, walking back to my station to throw away the last of the bloodied bandages.
"And?" Newt pressed, seeming to get more and more anxious now
He really is jealous, ain't he?
"What do you think Newt? I said no!" I answered through a round of giggles. I could see Newt physically relax as he let out a breath he had been holding.
"Aww. Was Newt jealous?" I joked in a baby voice.
"What? No. As second in command, it's my duty to know to going on's in the Glade." Newt scoffed, crossing his arms defensively over his chest.
"Oh, and is that why you went to all the trouble of finding out, when you could have simply asked me straight up?" I retorted, watching Newt desperately come up with an excuse, before he gave up.
"Whatever. Come on Greenie; it's lunchtime." Newt huffed before shuffling out of the room, leaving me to laugh until I couldn't breathe.
Aww, Newt cares! I thought to myself through a fit of giggles.

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