Chapter 61

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I followed Newt and Thomas up the creaky staircase to where Alby was being held for recovery. Luckily for Alby, he had a quick recovery of only a few days, compared to poor Ben who writhed around in agony for over a week.

Newt and Thomas quietly conversed ahead of me, blocking the entire walkway. I quietly reflected on the past hour and all that has happened. My mind suddenly goes back to the mysterious raven-black haired girl who lay in a coma just across the hall from Alby.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go and check on the girl," I informed shortly, quickly leaving the pair to slip into the room. As expected, the girl was still in her peaceful coma, though looking half dead. She was healthy, with a strong pulse and steady beat,  but just the way the sun bounced off of her snow white, smooth skin and her slow, nearly unmoving chest just screamed death.

I rubbed my eyes, getting the image of her blinding white skin out of my mind. Absentmindedly, I waltzed over to the medicine cabinet, searching for the vitamins. While the soupy stuff we fed to her was nutritious and nourishing, it did lack the vital vitamins the girl required to stay healthy. Popping the lid off of a brown bottle, I tapped two pills into the palm of my hand and let them drop into a bowl beside me. I picked up a heavy stone that we used to crush up medication if for some reason the kid wasn't able to swallow them whole.

I sighed as I poured the ground up medication into a glass, filling it with water so it would dissolve. Turning around to face the girl, I couldn't help but remember when Newt lay there, unconscious and barely breathing for a week. I remembered everything in vivid detail; how Newt's golden locks began to lose colour each day, slowly turning into a dull mop, and how the dark hue under his eyes got darker each day. The image of Newt, slowly wasting away was one that I would never be able to erase from my mind; one that would come back to haunt my dreams every so often.

Rosie. I swivelled around, positive I heard someone call my name. But the room was empty, aside from the girl, who to no surprise, still had her eyes shut tight.

"Great, I'm losing my mind," I laughed at myself, vigorously rubbing my hands over my face in attempt to feel more sane. With another sigh, I walked over to the girl, pulling her into an upright position as I slipped into my own thoughts. The process had become a habit to me, so I no longer needed to focus my full attention as I slowly poured gulps of water down the girls throat, waiting for her to swallow before I poured another lot of the vitamin water into her mouth.

I heard the sound of wood crashing on the floor in the room across the hall, and the Thomas' muffled voice. Curious, I left the girl to check out what was going on. I opened the door to Alby's room, my eyes fell on a mortifying sight.

Newt and Thomas leant over Alby, desperately trying to pry his strong hands away from his throat as he choked himself. His tongue stuck out from his mouth as awe full gasping noises escaped his airway as the light from his eyes began to fade away.

"Rosie, help us!" Newt screeched, hardly looking away.

I jumped into action, though I was sure I could be little help if both of the strong men couldn't do anything. I didn't even think why Alby was trying to choke himself, I only knew I had to help stop. I sided with Thomas, grabbing the same arm as him and with all my strength and weight, I pulled back fiercely. Surprisingly, I felt his arm pull away just a little as we all continued to battle with Alby.

How is only one guy overpowering all three of us, how is that even humanly possible?

"Alby, stop it man!" Newt struggled. And then, as if someone turn off a switch, Alby's strength have way and all three of us stumbled back. Shocked, we all faked at Alby, who has suddenly fallen unconscious.

"What-the-hell-was that?" I asked through heavy breaths, tucking hair behind my ear.

"I-I dunno. He was trying to tell us something, a-and then he went bloody nuts and tried chokin' himself!" Newt answered, running his hand through his hair as he took a step closer to examine Alby.

"Are you all good?" I asked, putting a hand on Thomas' shoulder. His skin was pale and eyes wide.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll be fine," Thomas assured with a curt nod.

"We need to talk," Newt looked at Thomas seriously.

"I'll leave then," I mumbled, making my way to the door.

"No, I need to talk to the both of you."

"Why me as well?" I asked, confused.

"Because Gally and Ben aren't the only ones who remember you," Newt answered seriously, making my heart stop.

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