Chapter 45

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I slipped through the door to Newt's room silently, and immediately went for the bed. Sliding my shoes from my feet, I let my exhausted body melt away in the comfort of the bed.
Letting a loud sigh fill my ears, my eyes slowly closed, and I was swept away by darkness.

It only felt like a second that my eyes fell closed; as if I had just blinked. But I knew too well that I had been asleep for a long time. The flickering candles that lit the room were now out, heating darkness shroud around us, and the dip in the bed beside me indicating that Newt had finally come to bed.

Yet again, Newt slept with a protective arm slung across me waist as small puffs of air whistled through his lips.

Oh, his lips!

Memories of the night before played over and over in my mind. The soft touch of Newts hand cradling my face, and the warmth radiating from our bodies as the space between us narrowed. My mind was in a flurry just thinking about it.
After quite some time of studying and mesmerising Newts features, curiosity began to tug at my mind, and I wondered what time it was.

I knew too well that I wouldn't be able to sleep once I became curious. I needed to know what the heck the time was!

Ever so carefully, I rolled over from back to my side, so that my back now pressed against Newt's bare chest and abdomen. This apparently was better for Newt, because before I could move anymore, his arm tightened around me waist; securing me to him.

"Where do you think you're going, my Greenie?" Newt purred with a seductive deep, husky voice.

"I was trying to find out the time." I admitted and a quiet voice.

"It's not time to leave; I promise you that." Newt replied, and I could practically see the small smile on his lips.

"Just tell me a time and I'll be happy." I whined, still hushed.

"1:30 a.m. Better?" Said Newt.

"Much better." I smiled, lacing my hand through the one that held me close to Newt's body, and pulled it up to my chest so that it hovered over my beating heart. I could sense Newt's confusion about my change in attitude towards the whole 'sleeping together' thing, but he made no effort to stop it.

"I love this." I felt the vibration from Newt's chest through my body.

"What, spooning?" I asked through a chuckle.

"No- well yeah. But I love this: the peacefulness and normality. It's as if we aren't trapped in the middle of an unsolvable maze, seemingly doomed. It's not like everyone I know and care for is at constant danger of dying or being injured. It's just normal; me, you, in a bed together and happy." Yet again I was struck off by Newt's meaningful thoughts.

"You put too much stress on yourself. You can't protect everyone." I expressed quietly.

"I'd be a horrible person if I didn't at least try." At this, I frowned and froze for a minute. Eventually, I turned over to face Newt, never letting our hands go. His eyes were closed, but he was far from sleep.

"Newt, it isn't your responsibility to care for everyone's safety. These shanks are gonna get hurt, because, well, you're all boys," I paused, chuckling. "The point is, it's not right that you put that much responsibility on your shoulders. How about you just worry about yourself for the mean time? As selfish as it sounds, you need a little you time. You have spent so much time just forgetting about your needs that you have forgotten them all together. You need a clear head and time to get yourself back." I suggested, caressing Newt's  hand gently.

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