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I looked at her grave site thinking about how in the course of 2 years our life went from bad to worse to horrible. I thought was doing the right thing that day getting the three of us out of that house. But I guess I should of stayed and let him kill me maybe she'd still be alive. The saying what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is an understatement it should be what doesn't kill should make you wiser. In our case it didn't, it made us retreat further into the abyss of denial, denial about ourselves, about our upbringing, and ultimately our actions.

Denial is what led me to standing here looking at my middle sisters grave. I knew she had issues, drugs, promiscuity, depression, but I thought she was old enough to handle it while I looked after Natalie. I should have paid more attention to her cries for help.

I wiped a tear from my eye remembering when we were little girls. We would always get in trouble for playing in mama's make up. She said we were too beautiful to ever need make up. She always told us that we were beautiful.

"How this color look on me? Ooo it look good girl! How this color look on me? You look marvelous darling!

You girls better not be in my makeup!

Quick put it up before she come up here!

What are yall doing up here? Nothing mama just looking in the mirror! Mhm lying will get you smacked little girl. We were in your make up. Come here she said smiling. Look at my beautiful babies. Yall don't need this yall are beautiful without it. We just want to look like you mama. Aw you won't need makeup to do that you already look like me! I love you two so much! We love you too mama!"

I failed you Diana! I failed you and Natalie! Yall were my responsibility and I got too caught up with the money and fame to realize that you were crying out for me to help you. I am so sorry and I hope that you can forgive me. I placed the three roses on her tombstone before stepping back a little bit.

I love you Diana Jean and I always will. I slipped on my sun glasses and went back to the car that was waiting to take me to my next destination. I couldn't save her but I'll be damned if I let that life take my baby sister.

May 1st, 2007

Clark County Federal Court House

Las Vegas, Nevada

Here ye Here ye all rise for the honorable Judge Oscar Jones! You may be seated. We're here in the case of The State of Nevada against Natalie Denise Brown on three counts of murder in first degree. We will begin with opening arguments. Prosecution you are up first.

-Prosecutor Assistant DA Daniel Johnson-

How are you good people doing today? We're here today because of an appalling crime committed by that young lady sitting right there, Ms. Natalie Denise Brown. Don't let that young, sweet, naive look fool you good people. She is a cold hearted criminal, who uses her innocence's and beauty to lure unsuspecting victims to her web of lies and deceit. The defense is going to say that she is young and weak willed. Or that she was taken advantage of be one of the deceased.

That couldn't be further from the truth and in the coming days I will prove to you how this young girl convinced a well-respected real estate broker to take her and her two abused sisters into his home and his life. I will also show how she used her conniving wit and charm to talk him out of millions of dollars and leave a trail of dead bodies including that of her own sister Diana Jean Brown.

That may have been rather brash of me to say but you will see that naiveté is the devil's playground.

-Defense Attorney Gabriella Thomas-

Wow, that was a real opening argument from the prosecution. He claims that my clients is a deceitful, charming and a liar that lured in a man nearly three times her age to take care of her. I don't claim to know everything but I find it highly unlikely that this young girl, who is still a minor would in any way lure in someone especially not the likes of Mr. Cartier. I am here to present a different side of the story, if I must the truth, of why my client Ms. Brown is sitting in this court room today.

Contrary to what ADA Williams has presented my client is not a cold hearted criminal but rather a victim of the perpetuated cycle of abuse. She and her sisters escaped an abusive father whose sole purpose after their mother abandoned them was to make them pay for her life decisions. They sought refuge at the late real estate broker's home after his wife discovered them living on the streets.

If anything the well-respected real estate broker prayed on the Brown sisters for his own deceptive intentions of making money off of selling their bodies to the highest bidders. The Brown sisters weren't his only victims either as you can see by all of the young women present today in this court room.

In the coming weeks I will present the case of how "a well-respected" real estate broker lured in young girls with no hope for survival for his own selfish gain. And how my client struggled to break free from the bondage she grew to know as the The Bunny Ranch!

How did we end up in this court room with my sister on trial for capital murder, my other sister dead, and a whole court room full of young girls sitting behind me?

It started in 2004


Boom... there is the first update! Right off the bat you already find out that a whole gang of people where murdered and one person is being blamed for it. 

Question is did she do it? 

So the book is going to flip back and forth between the court case and the back story leading up to them going to court. Also, take a look at the cast section as well it'll help you get a visual of the cast and how their personalities flow into the story. 

Let me know what yall think!

P.S. Keep this one thing in mind things aren't always as they seem so if at one point you think one thing it maybe something different. Lolol 

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