Trial Pt 1. Charmaine Johnson Cartier (Diamond)

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Judge Jones: ADA Johnson you may call your first witness.

ADA Johnson: The prosecution would like to call to the stand Ms. Charmaine Johnson Cartier to the stand.

Bailiff: Please place your hand on the bible and repeat after me. I "your name" swear that the testimony that I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God!

Charmaine: I Charmaine Johnson-Cartier solemnly affirm that the testimony I shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

Bailiff: You may be seated.

ADA Johnson: Hello Mrs. Cartier, you are aware of why we are here today correct?

Charmaine: Yes well aware

ADA Johnson: Can you please tell the court how you know the Defendant Ms. Natalie Brown.

Charmaine: She lived at my home and place of business for the two years.

ADA Johnson: Lived, what exactly does that mean?

Charmaine: Lived as in resided at the business.

ADA Johnson: And what kind of business do you own?

Charmaine: I don't own the business my late husband owned the business. It was an um...something like a boarding house.

ADA Johnson: Mrs. Cartier a boarding house, please don't insult my intelligence or the intelligence of the jury. Please specifically tell us what kind of business you and your husband were running.

Charmaine: It was a brothel.

ADA Johnson: Please speak up so that we can hear you.

Charmaine: It was a brothel, it was legal and he had a license.

ADA Johnson: Wow so you're telling me you willing ran a brothel with your husband. I am sorry but Mrs. Cartier you just don't look like the type of woman that would associate with a man like that. Or with prostitution its self.

Charmaine: Well I haven't always been this woman.

ADA Johnson: Interesting, So can you tell the court how you met Ms. Brown and her sisters.

Charmaine: I remember it like it was yesterday. I met Zora first, at a store in the mall she was looking for something for Natalie's birthday. She didn't have all the money she needed so I paid for it for her.

ADA Johnson: You met her in a store and paid for her stuff? That was very generous of you to do considering you didn't know her.

Charmaine: Yeah I knew what it was like to be young and not have all the money you needed. Of course she didn't let me pay for it initially she said it was okay she'd just put one of the things back. When she walked off I handed the lady my credit card and paid for her stuff. She thanked me profusely and then went on her way.

ADA Johnson: So how did you meet the other two Brown sisters?

Charmaine: I met Natalie the next time I saw Zora which was a few week later they were on a street corner asking for money. I didn't meet their other sister till they moved to the ranch.

ADA Johnson: You said they were on a corner asking for money? Wasn't she not just in the mall shopping?

Charmaine: I wasn't really sure what happened between the time I saw her in the mall and the time I saw her and Natalie on the corner it had been a few weeks. I just knew they needed help and I wanted to help them.

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