*Chapter 9*

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It's been a few days since we've been here and I gotta admit that it's not half bad being here. I mean they feed us and the other day we went and bought a whole bunch of new clothes and toiletries. Pretty much anything that we needed to survive here we got. Since Baby doll and I are the same age we hang out a lot especially since they won't let me anywhere near the French doors in the main house. She's cool though I still haven't really got a good grip on her yet but from what I do know she ran away because her parents were super strict. On her 16th birthday they tried to marry her off to some guy from their village in Mexico. I couldn't imagine my parents doing that to me. Hell I couldn't even imagine my parents even caring where I was at right now. I've been tempted a few times to contact my friends from back home but every time I do, I think about what Zora said, that someone would call the cops and report me as a runaway and then I'd go into the system. I couldn't do that to Zora or DJ.

Hey girl what you doing out here Baby doll said coming out the side door towards the pool. Just thinking. About? Life! Oh girl don't go deep on me like that she said laughing. It's just that 2 months ago we were living out of a hotel and then we were staying in a car, and now we here with a catered food, a swimming pool and all kinds of shit. I understand how you feel. Before I got here I was at a reservation in New Mexico. Reservation, as in an Indian Reservation? Yeah when I left my family I went to the reservation to seek refuge, I lied to them and said that my parents had died and I was an orphan. It worked for a few weeks till someone saw the missing person posters, I had to leave before they caught wind and sent me back.

So how did you get to Vegas then? Hitchhiking mostly! You hitchhiked by yourself? How else was I supposed to do it? I got extremely lucky though this truck driver, real nice old guy picked me up a little bit outside of town. I'll never forget his name Jake! Jake I said looking at her crazy. Yeah he was so nice. He picked me up and then dropped me a little bit from the strip and gave me 50 dollars to get something to eat. Not two hours later did I meet Diamond at the subway. Wow he picked me and my sisters up off the highway when our car broke down on the side of the road. I guess he's what they call the Vegas guardian Angel she said laughing. I guess, I can't believe you did that by yourself. I am used to being by myself you know being the baby in the family with older sisters.

So what do you think of Diamond? I don't really know I haven't spent a lot of time with her. She's nice I guess I mean to let us stay here. Yeah she's different from other "Mistresses". Mistress! Yeah mistress, lady of the house you...Who is that I said watching this girl come out the house? Who! Her I said pointing to the girl in the solid white bathing suite. Oh that's Sapphire. I am surprised she's wearing something other than blue. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, the way she glided across the sidewalk to a lounge chair in the corner. I am not in to girls but it was something about her that drew me in. She had this instant appeal and I was falling for it.

Natalie! Natalie! Huh I said looking back at baby doll. She just started laughing. What! I saw the way you looked at her. What way? Like you wanted to swim to the other side of the pool and be her towel. Girl please I am not like that. Really so you don't think she looks good? No I am not into girls! Mhm if you say so. But let me warn you about her, she may look good but she's black widow. A spider! No I mean she's mysterious but she's also trouble so if you mess with her know what you're doing before you do it. I looked back in her direction and she had her sunglasses on with her ear phones in laying back.

Before long there were more girls out by the pool laughing and talking. Guess we better hit up that studying right Baby doll said as we stood up. Yup we should that way it gets done and we aren't up all night. We grabbed our stuff and went towards the entrance to the building. We walked past Sapphire and she tilted her glasses and looked at me. She smirked and put them back on and returned to her sun bathing. There was that feeling again, it was a mixture of anxiety and pure adrenaline. She is really making me feel some kind of way. A way that I've only felt once in my life.

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