*Chapter 13*

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I honestly didn't think we'd still be here during the holidays but we are. It's the week of Thanksgiving and things have been seriously slow. I guess because folks spending time with their families and shit. To our surprise Nicoli has been here the whole month but was scheduled to leave the day before Thanksgiving. I need him to leave because Natalie is getting cabin fever because she can't leave the room. Like right now she looks like she's about to pull her hair out because she wants to go out with baby doll but Nicoli has been in the main house all day and that's the only way to the cars.

Zo I gotta get out of here before I spaz the fuck out. Natalie I know but...but nothing Zo please get me out of this room. DJ gets to leave and you get to leave but I am locked up in this room all damn day and I can't take it anymore. Okay look let me call Diamond and see if it's clear and maybe we can go into town. Seriously! Yeah. Call her now she said pushing the phone in my face. Damn anxious much. Extremely! I dialed Diamonds line waiting for her to answer. Hey something wrong? No no nothing's wrong, Natalie is getting a little stir crazy because she can't leave the room. We were wondering if there was some way we could get her out. The line went silent for a minute and then she spoke again. At 3 he's leaving for a meeting in town yall can take one of my cars then. Okay I said hanging up. Can you wait 2 hours? Just 2 she said looking at me. Yeah matter of fact start getting ready and by the time you are done we should be able to go. I am going now she said jumping up and grabbing her clother.

This past month and half DJ has been trying her hardest to be here, but the allure of this lifestyle is getting her. She's spending her money on drugs and weird stuff because that's what Trixs and Rocci do. I don't like them and I am trying really hard not to start no shit, but I need them to stay away from my sister for real. Hey she said coming into the room. Hey! No argument today. I am tired of wasting my breath when you don't listen DJ. Hmph she said plopping down in the chair. New tattoo I said noticing the bandage on her arm. Yeah its dope you wanna see it? Sure why not. She peeled the bandage off and showed me the tattoo. What is it? It's an Om. A what? An Om it represents oneness! Oneness! Yeah it has a deep meaning. Oh okay well its very nice. Don't patronize me Zora. I am not it is and if it has a meaning I am not going to discredit it.

Where is Natalie shower, Diamond is going to let me borrow her car so we can go out, she's going crazy not being able to leave. Yeah I would have assumed that Nicoli would be spending time with his wife and kids she said tapping her long pointed nails on the table. Wife and kids! Apparently he has a whole other family in the burbs. Who told you that? The girls talk and they've been telling me about the things that go on in this here place. Rocci and Trix! Not just them the other girls talk too, and did you know that Diamond was pregnant? Yeah actually I did. You know how she lost her baby then. No I didn't apparently someone pushed her down the stairs when she was 6 months pregnant. Pushed her down the stairs! Yup they said it was Sapphire. Sapphire! Yeah she one jealous bitch I hear. Another reason to keep Natalie away from her. You'll never be able to do that. Says who? She looked at me and laughed a little just know that she'll never leave her alone Zo no matter how much you threaten her Natalie won't leave her alone and the more you push the more she'll go to her.

Deep down inside I knew she was right, Natalie won't leave her alone and I know Sapphire wouldn't care either way. I'd talked to Diamond on numerous occasions about it but short of sending Natalie away, which I wouldn't do. I couldn't keep them apart, the only thing I could do is try to keep my cool and focus on getting us out of here.

Zora! Huh I said snapping out of my thoughts. Your phone is ringing. Oh I said looking down at it. It was Diamond calling me. Hey! Hey he's gone you can leave now and take the black Porsche in the third spot. Where are the keys? I am sending Amethyst down with them now. Be back no later than 11 Zo, he should be back by then we don't need any drama. I promise we're gonna go hit up the mall and maybe see a movie. There was a knock at the door. I got it DJ said getting up and going to the door. Diamond! Yeah! Is Sapphire going to be here during Thanksgiving? Lucky for you she's not he's taking her with him back to New York. How do you do it? Easy the more time he's away the more time I can do what I need to do. And that is? Watch your step Zora, I let you in on some shit but not all of it she said before hanging up the phone.

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