*Chapter 14*

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You enjoying yourself she said as I let my hair blow in the wind? Yeah I actually am. It sucks being stuck in that room all day 24/7. I am sure it does. Sapphire was heading to LA for two days so I decided to come with her. I knew Zo would freak so I left her note saying not to worry about me and that I'd be back. But judging by the amount of phone calls I am getting she didn't get the note. You going to answer her calls? No! I just want some time to myself. I see she said as we rode down the coast. So what do you have to do here in LA? I have some business to handle with my attorney. Attorney, you have an attorney? Yeah I do. Does Nicoli know? What Nicoli doesn't know won't hurt him and besides I have my own business ventures outside of that ranch. So you a business woman huh I said smirking. Yeah something like that she said looking at me before returning her eyes back to the road.

We pulled up to a swanky building and got out the car. This won't take long she said as we went in. Okay I said following her into the building. I was taken in by the artwork on the wall. You want to come in with me? No I mean I am sure you need to talk business I wouldn't want to intrude. She smirked when I am done we'll go do something you want to do. Anything? What you got in mind? The beach! You've never been to the beach? Actually No. Wait seriously I thought you were from Cali? I am but my dad didn't like the beach so we never went. Damn that's horrible, I'll definitely take you she smiling but you'll need a swimsuit though so we need to go shopping, she said before approaching the receptionist desk. Oh Ms. Lewis, I'll let Mr. York know you are here. Thanks! Within 5 minutes she disappeared behind theses glass doors into one of the private offices.

I started to look around the picture more and stopped at this one picture that was so intriguing to me. It was of a person staring out over a field of bones. It was grotesque yet beautiful at the same time. You like the picture a masculine voice said from behind me? Yeah it's strangely beautiful I've never seen work like this. Thanks he said. Wait you did this I said turning to face him. Yeah a couple of years back it was one of my first pictures. It's beautiful. I am Nathan! Hi I am Natalie! Wow we both have N names. I guess we do. So what is a beautiful young lady like you doing here at an entertainment law office? I am actually here with my friend she's meeting with her attorney so I decided to tag along. That's cool he said looking over at me you in the business? The business I said with a raised eyebrow. The entertainment industry! Ah no. I don't think I've ever seen a girl as pretty as you. Really! Seriously you have a beautiful face, has anyone ever told you, you should be a model? I've heard a lot of things but never that. You should you really are beautiful he said in a low lustful tone.

So did you do these as well I said speaking again so he could stop staring at me? This one, yeah it was something I did for my mother before she died 3 years ago. I am so sorry for you loss. It's okay she had breast cancer and made her piece so she we went on to be her heavenly father. It's really beautiful. Thanks, why don't you let me show you the rest of the art work. Okay I said walking next to him as he showed me the rest of the painting in the waiting area. Before I knew it Sapphire was coming out.

Natalie! Oh Sapphire this Nathan. Nathan this is Sapphire. The look on her face was worth a thousand words she looked at him like he'd stole the last piece of chicken off the plate. Nice to meet you he said extending his hand to her to shake. She looked at his hand and then me. Come on Natalie. Oh well I hope to see you again Natalie. I doubt it Sapphire said crossing her arms. Sapphire give me a minute I said. She sucked her teeth and walked off a little further from us. I probably won't see you again I don't live here. Well we can exchange numbers and maybe when I in your city you can show me around. Yeah maybe so I said as he put his number into my phone. It was really nice to meet you. You as well I said walking over to where Sapphire was. She just rolled her eyes at me and walked out the building to the car.

Beautiful Exit: The Bunny Ranch MurdersWhere stories live. Discover now