Trial Pt.3- Shelly Hernandez & Elizabeth Garcia

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ADA Johnson: Your honor if I could address the witness with just few more questions?

Judge Jones: DA Thomas do you have issue with that?

DA Thomas: No your honor!

ADA Johnson: Ms. McKinney can you tell us about at the night of December 31, 2004?

La'Tasha: What exactly do you want to know it was New Year's Eve?

ADA Johnson: Well I see here in document 29 of evidence that there were cops called out to the premises. For an assault, where Ms. Brown was involved.

La'Tasha: Wrong sister. It wasn't Natalie it was Diana.

ADA Johnson: And what happened to Ms. Brown?

La'Tasha: She was assaulted by some of the girls at the club.

ADA Johnson: Assaulted how?

La'Tasha: She was raped with a broom and then the bitches left her there to bleed out.

ADA Johnson: And Ms. Brown had nothing to do with that?

La'Tasha: Why the hell would she participate in raping and beating her sister? That's some sick shit for real.

Judge Jones: Ms. McKinney!

La'Tasha: What I am sorry but no one in their right mind would set their own sister up to be raped that way. There was blood everywhere 4 girls got sick and threw up.

ADA Johnson: How did Ms. Brown react when she found out what happened to her sister?

La'Tasha: She was mad as hell as she should have been.

ADA Johnson: Mad enough to kill Ms. Monroe in cold blood?

La'Tasha: ..... Silence.....

ADA Johnson: No further questions your honor.

Judge Jones: You may step down Ms. McKinney. We are going to recess for today and return tomorrow at 9 am. Court is dismissed.


Yall it's killing me seeing Natalie like this I said as we rode back to the hotel. I just totally screwed her didn't I Em said looking out the window. No why would you say that. Because when she found out what they did to DJ she was mad enough to kill her. But she didn't, Natalie didn't even come home till the next night. She and Baby doll were gone all day. I know but he tripped me up with that question. That's their job Em don't even sweat this she's going to get off for this, Diamond said patting her hand. I hope so cause I'll be damned if I break that promise to her. To who Em I said looking at her. Sapphire! What promise? She made me promise not to tell but she said if anything ever happened to her to make sure Natalie and you were taken care of. Me! Yeah you, you were important to Natalie and Natalie was important to her so she wanted to make sure that yall were straight.

Our interactions weren't the best and I fought hard to keep her away from Natalie but in the end, I had to give her props because she kept her focused on the things that I was desperately trying to do. I let Natalie down as well, when Jermaine came into the picture I started letting things slide. What was important to her became less important to me because I had someone who was interested in my wants and needs. For once I was just happy not to have to be the one in charge of everything. What happened to DJ that night though changed the whole vibe of the Ranch and after that everyone was on guard and no one wanted to trust anyone. Especially not Rocci, Trix, or Onyx. In fact when Nicoli when found out what happened to DJ he took 3 months of pay from all of them and then he put them on bitch duty and made an example out them. His exact words were "when you fuck up my money I'll fuck up yours!" after that the Rocci and Onyx really had it out for DJ then. They said it was her fault and they said she'd pay for them losing 3 months of pay.

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