*Trial pt 4.- Bela'cruz Marquez & Jade Patterson*

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DA Thomas: And did Ms. Lewis finally get Ms. Brown after that?

Lizzy: Depends on what you mean by get her? The two of them never stopped seeing each other, we all knew it and Zora accepted that she wasn't going to keep them apart. If anything that incident pushed them closer to each other.

DA Thomas: No further questions your honor.

Judge Jones: ADA any questions?

ADA Johnson: Yes I have a couple of questions for the witness.

Judge Jones: Your witness!

ADA Johnson: Ms. Garcia, how did you end up at the Ranch?

DA Thomas: Objection! Your honor what does that have to do with the case at hand?

Judge Jones: ADA Johnson what does this have to do with the case?

ADA Johnson: You honor I am establishing a profile of the type of girl that ends up in this type of situation.

Judge Jones: Sustained, Ms. Garcia please answer the question.

Lizzy: I ran away when I was 16, my home life wasn't the best and I ended up in Vegas where they took me in.

ADA Johnson: And is it true that you lied to a Native American reservation telling them that you were an orphan?

Lizzy: I did!

ADA Johnson: And why did you lie?

Lizzy: Because I was protected on their land. When I was there the cops couldn't come, and arrest me for running away nor could my family come or force me to marry some man from Mexico.

ADA Johnson: So why should we believe anything you have to say in regards to Ms. Brown's case you have just stated that you are a liar?

Lizzy: Seriously I am a liar because I didn't want to be forced into marrying some 40-year-old man thats to ugly to get a wife so he paid my family for me! Ookay so I lied but it's not you've never lied! Am I correct Mr. Johnson! Let me ask you a question you ever lied before?

ADA Johnson: Ms. Garcia I am not on trial here.

Lizzy: You sure about that! You got secrets too, your wife know you been at the Ranch!

Judge Jones: Ms. Garcia that is enough. One more comment like that and I'll hold you in contempt.

ADA Johnson: No further questions your honor!

Judge Jones: Ms. Garcia you may step down


Baby doll girl what the hell is wrong with you Diamond whispered to her? What he wasn't going to make me or Natalie out to be liars when he spent half of his earnings at the ranch. You recognize you him? You don't! No! He's Mr. low tipper but want his little dick sucked for 5 dollars. That motherfucker Emerald said looking at him. He looked at us and looked away. He's been to the ranch, in fact him, the bailiff and half the guards in this court room right now were regulars at the ranch. I am sure he'd be more than happy to convict Natalie.

Em, Phoenix is coming, right? Yeah you know she'll be here. Okay I said nodding. Every now and then Natalie would look over at us and I'd give her a reassuring smile. I don't know how Ms. Thomas did it but she got her a private cell at the jail so that she wouldn't be in general population. Diamond how do you know her? Who! Natalie's lawyer? She's a close friend. Friend! Yeah friend as in she knows more about the ranch than anybody else in this court room. I looked back her lawyer and she was extremely pretty. Like now that I think about it she was hot I'd bone her if I was doing girls right now. She use to be at the ranch?

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