Trial Pt.6: Zora Brown

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8 months ago, they arrested my sister for crimes she didn't commit. She'd just turned 17 and was full of hope, she had the woman she loved, and although we'd lost our sister we had a semi decent family structure. I'd never thought in my wildest dreams when we were leaving Bakersfield that it'd be like this. But I guess it's like the old saying goes what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. I ran my hand over my hair as I looked in the mirror. You got this Zora do what you gotta do and get your sister out of that prison.

I am coming I said cutting off the light and going to the door, I already knew who it was. The only person that knock like that is Emerald. My poor baby she took Sapphires death so hard. Diamond and I put her in a facility after the funeral cause we couldn't watch her 24/7 like she needed. 3 attempts of trying to kill herself, Diamond and I just couldn't handle it, so we found her a program where we could go and see her and where someone could regulate her medication and where she could grieve the way she needed to instead of trying to join Diana and Sapphire.

The funeral was beautiful as expected Diamond sent her out in style, Doves and a crystal white coffin lined in sapphire blue fabric. We had to fight with the courts but they let Natalie attend the funeral to say her goodbyes one last time. She didn't cry instead she just requested that she be allowed to read something that was personal to her. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard in my life.

"When I die If you need to weep, cry for someone walking the street beside you.

You can love me most by letting hands touch hands, and souls touch souls.

You can love me most by sharing your goodness and multiplying your acts of kindness.

You can love me most by letting me live in your eyes and not on your mind.

And when you say prayer for me Remember what our Torah teaches, Love doesn't die 

People do. So, when all that's left of me is love, Give me away!"

And that's exactly what we did, we released the spirit of Sapphire, Diana, and any other girl that had lost her life to the Bunny Ranch. Diamond had her buried next to Diana so that the two of them could watch over us together. You'd think with her being so mean and closed off that no one would show up to her funeral. I was mistaken, there were tons of people, famous and not famous there to watch as we laid her beautiful spirit  to rest that. After that things went back to normal well as much as they could with Natalie in jail.  We pretty much all lived out of the MGM grand for a while.  Phoenix offered us to come and stay at her house but it just didn't feel right to be a guest at someone elses house that way so Diamond got us some suites at the Bellagio where we've been staying since March. 

You ready! Yeah, I am just making sure I look okay. You look beautiful Zora. Thanks! You do to. You think I don't know how I feel about this new look. Its suits you and I like it. Okay she said running her fingers through her naturally curly hair. We better get going we don't to be late. No, we don't I said grabbing my stuff so we could head to the court house. We got there just in time for the opening arguments and to hear the medical Examiners testimony. Diamond hadn't showed up yet and it was worrying me a little bit cause for the last 2 weeks we had arrive to and from court together.


May 9th 2007

Clark County Courthouse

Las Vegas, Nevada

ADA Johnson: Dr. Marshall can you tell us how it is that Ms. Lewis died?

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