Part 1

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2022 EDIT:

lots of TW for this book, i wrote this many many years ago now and never expected it to blow up like it has.

if you're going to judge me off of my work pls do so off of my latest book Requisite and not this , i wrote this a good 5/6 years ago and i'm not proud of this as a reflection on myself or as an author by any means.

there's plenty of grammatical errors, plot holes etc but i know there's people who come back to this book hence preventing me from deleting it.

though i may be embarrassed by it there's probably a few of you that enjoy this so i'll leave it up for public viewing but i don't really affiliate or associate myself with Requiem at all.

thank you and if you do read, i hope you enjoy it


Hi, welcome to Requiem. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. But first there's a few things I want to acknowledge;

1) Before you even comment 'OMG this is just like Psychotic' read the whole story? I don't plagiarise as a) it's pointless b) it's boring, like who would want to re write someone else's book? I understand that certain aspects of the book do look similar but it was not directly intentional. I read lots of different dark Harry books and TV shows that inspired this book, so please don't tell me that I ripped off one authors work because it's just not true. I worked hard on this, and I hope that it shows.

2) I'm one of those readers who if I read a book in which say Harry got murdered and the girl went to his grave with her new boyfriend and said 'omg who would do this' and the boyfriend coughs nervously and chuckles 'oh yeah that would be awful' I'll just stop reading. Like boi. I don't want it that obvious where the girl just plays plain stupid for the whole novel like I ain't got time for that. So if perhaps let's say that a situation like that where to occur in Requiem ... not everything is as it seems as I don't run that way no thank you. I? (tryna imitate Harry there if you get it)

3) Thanks for reading this book. I know there's not many psycho Harry books around that are actually worth reading as let's face it, they're hard to write and keep the story line believable and thrilling at the same time. So if you like Requiem there should (emphasise the word should) be another psychotic Harry story on my page? Just have a look I don't know what future me will be like with the updating and the writing.

4) If you're still reading this then thank you, but I just wanted to put it out there that I was kinda young when I wrote this and my writing has improved drastically since. If I have other books out (I keep deleting them bc I'm indecisive afffff) then the writing will be better than Requiem, but none the less I'm still proud of this book.

Hence forth, here's Requiem x

- *2021 me here - 2017 me apparently had bad grammar so I'll be going back through this at some point to fix it so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
- Also any of my Draco gals, I've got a new fic up, so go check it x


"Hazel!" I jumped at the sound of my name being called, my creaky office chair threatening to give out.

"Hazel?" I looked up to see Trish appear in the doorway, the broken sky blue paint crackling off of the cold brick walls around her.

"Yes?" I replied, raising my eyebrows.

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