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Two years later ...

"Mum?" I called out as I shut the back door behind me, the cold autumn breeze causing it to slam shut.

"In here Harry!" Her familiar voice called back to me from the kitchen.

My boots scuffed against the floor as I walked into the coat room, taking my jacket off and hanging it on my peg.

I hummed along to the sound of the radio as I walked into the kitchen with a loaf of bread in my hand.

"Hey baby. How come you're here so early?" She smiled as I came into view.

"Work finished early." I shrugged, hugging her and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"You smell like bread." She chuckled as she pressed a kiss to my cold forehead.

"Well I do work in a bakery mum. I wouldn't be expecting to smell like petrol." I smirked, leaning back against the kitchen work surface.

"Busy today?" A warm smile set back on her face as she continued to busy herself about the kitchen, chopping up vegetables.

"Not really. Debra said it was under control so I could go home and spend time with everyone." I tussled my curls as I felt them come out of place.

After I got out of the asylum, I found work back at my old bakery. The one I used to be in before I was locked away in the first place.

It wasn't much, but it was start. Anything to get me back to feeling normal really.

I don't think I'll ever feel normal again, but it's nice to be around saneness.

"You feeling okay?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." But I wasn't being entirely truthful.

"Harry..." she pushed a little further, raising her eyebrows.

"Mum I said I am fine, okay? I just didn't get much sleep last night." Or the night before that, or the night before that...

With a small sigh, she left it at that.

It took some time for regular feelings and for my expression of emotions to come back. I didn't realise how much I had lost, or how much those I loved had lost since I was away.

Hearing these things were tough. But I was getting better each day. Each day, I was learning something new. How to feel better, how to love properly...how to move on.

"I bought you this for later." I placed the bread down on the table, examining the crust.

"Thanks baby." Her hand held onto my arm briefly before she got back to cooking.

"What'cha making?" I mumbled, walking round the back of her.

"Pasta bake with a side of salad." She breathed out contently.

I hummed in response, reaching round the side of her and stealing a bit of cucumber.

"I've got a roast." I mumbled through chewing.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now