Part 25

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I writhed against Miss Harrison's grip as she yanked me up to my feet. My back had received yet again a vicious beating, and although I felt no strength to fight part of me still had to.

That stupid guard Marcus was waiting at the door for me. I made sure to purposely stumble into her wall so my blood would leave a mark of my being. Although it hurt like a bitch as my raw skin hit the hard wall, it was worth it.

"Watch where you're going boy!" She snapped, shoving me over to Marcus.

I scowled at her as he unlocked the door. Isaac didn't receive shit all.

I growled as I was pushed down the hall to the nurses office, the door being thrown open. Something fell in my stomach when I saw Hazel standing there, her eyes widening at the sight of me.

Marcus shut the door behind me, and she came rushing over.

"Did she hurt you? Oh god Harry." Her hands held onto my exposed chest, turning me so she could see my back. My jumpsuit hung loosely around my waist.

"Fuck. We need to get you to Pamela." She grabbed hold of my wrist, pulling me over to where the nurse sat. I was getting really sick of being pushed about.

"Hazel." I snatched my hand back, taking a deep breath to calm myself. I was not about to unleash my demons, no they were not coming out.

She seemed startled.

"Could you please not drag me? I'm quite capable of walking myself." I breathed out, hating when my independence was taken away from me.

She shyly nodded, turning to Pamela as she began to examine my back.

"A few stitches again, some bandages." The woman muttered to herself, grabbing the needed objects.

"What did she do then?" Hazel took a seat as I began to get cleaned up.

"The same. Whipped me. She said if it gets to the third time then I'm going in for something worse. Don't know what that is." But Hazel clearly did. As all colour drained from her face.

"And why did she whip you?" She didn't bring it up, but I would be asking her later.

"Because Isaac provoked me. Which is fucking bullshit if you ask me-shit that burns-" I hissed as my back was wiped down with something, and I felt the needle insert me.

I bit my lip to hide the pain.

"What did he say to you?" What was this, inspector Hazel?

"It doesn't matter. But he deserved what he got." My eyes trailed around the room.

Plain and boring, like the whole asylum.

"You need some rest." Pamela muttered from behind me as I felt bandages begin to cover my skin.

"Later." I rolled my eyes, getting really sick of Eastwood now.

Pamela was quiet, and wore glasses with frizzy hair. She just fixed the inmates up. And that was that. I think I would go insane if I had to do her job. She was employed to clean up her bosses enjoyment. I was sure Miss Harrison was psychotic, as no normal person beats people and feels no shame or regret...well aside psycho's but I wouldn't exactly call us normal.

"Just get him to rest Hazel?" And I was free to go. After some painkillers.

Hazel held the door open for me and we walked the hallways in silence.

"Are we going a different way?" I asked, confused as to why we hadn't gone the usual way to my cell.

"Something like that." I frowned as she smiled, biting her lip to hide it.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now