Part 22

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Our little investigation was beginning to grow, like wild fire, and soon Jane's office was like a police Ward. Photos which we had received from the security cameras of Gale and Harry inside the asylum were pinned up on a piece of string which covered the wall, those of importance circled with red marker pen. Multiple theories and unanswered questions were jotted down on a large piece of paper we had pinned to the wall, as well as evidence we had already found pointing to Harry's innocence. We chose Jane's office as it was least likely to be entered by anyone. And it had storage cupboards to hide it all.

Trish sat spinning back and forth on her chair, whilst Jane attempted to look into Gale's background a little more.

"So if Gale was in Cheshire at the age of 18, then that would make it easier to pinpoint where he was during the times of the murders. If I can find out from Harry where about's he was during the attacks then we can compare it to Gales." I walked back and forth on the hard floor.

"Only issue is, we don't have security cameras to back it. So that one's out the window." Trish chimed in.

The case had lots of dead ends. We had ran into the ones the detectives had. Except we had more time and we would crack this.

One of the worst was that all the murders took place in secluded, dark areas. Or in ones with broken or tampered security cameras. Which made it look all the more staged. This person knew what they were doing. And it was all too easy to blame Harry, and the cameras about a block away recorded him leaving where the victim was found. The time of death of the victim and the departure of Harry was too perfect with the timings.

After asking Harry a few more questions, he told me he never liked to stay around after the sex as he would like to do a hit and run sort of dealeo. He said he was selfish back then, and didn't exactly care for the aftermath.

"Yes. Yes that is true. But if we can record Gale saying something then maybe-"

"Hazel that's not going to prove anything. And besides, you can't exactly bring that conversation up without sounding like you're accusing him." Jane looked up from her computer.

"You need to get into the doctors office. We can only go from there and gather more information if you get Harry's fact file and take a photo of it." Jane rubbed her face.

"Could it not be used as fake evidence though? As we don't have the original?" I asked, puzzled.

She shook her head.

"No, as the government have it as well." My heart was thudding.

"Well surely we'll get in trouble? For messing with government property under strict laws?" Trish stopped spinning, facing us with a frown.

"Technically yes, but we should be able to get around it. 'Would have to go to court though if we get that far." Jane looked at me with a sense of hope in her eyes.

I believed we would crack this.

"Man, I'm gonna be so pissed if it turns out Harry did it." Trish mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Harry!" I gasped, a light bulb feeling like it physically appeared above my head.

They both turned to me in confusion.

"If I say Harry has been acting strange and I think he needs to be looked at-then I can take him to the doctors room. Or-or say he's ill or something, and then when the doctor leaves the room I'll take a photo of Harry's file!" My heart pounded with this new idea.

"But that means telling Harry." Jane tapped her pen on the table.

"I'll think of something. What time is it now?" I asked, looking around.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now