Part 40

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I sat on the edge of my bed, my hands clasped between my spread legs as I stared at the wall. I wasn't quite sure of what the time was, but Hazel hadn't collected me. And I was sure it was past 10 by now. So I had missed breakfast, which I didn't mind, but I was starting to worry. Hazel never forgot me.

The butterfly tattoo on my stomach couldn't match the ones in my stomach. They fluttered round, their wings sharp and jagged. Usually whenever I thought of Hazel, they were soft and silky and fluttered through me like a soothing summer breeze. But the ones right now were a storm. Fighting to get out and battling against one another.

I swallowed, my head dropping. I felt sick to the stomach. Hazel should be here by now.

I had already counted every brick on the wall, traced every tattoo on my body and breathed every breath possible. And yet, nothing could calm me.

I knew she had done something bad to get Saf out. There was no way in hell it was as simple as asking, no way. Whether she made a deal, or whether she sacrificed something I was unsure. But I need her to tell me. And I need to hold her, or for her to hold me.

I bought my chewed fingers to my lips, tracing and pulling at the skin. I tried my hardest to remember the way hers felt against mine, and the texture of her skin against my teeth. My eyes closed as I released a sigh, holding my hair in my hands.

If only she was here. It was in moments like these that I realised just how important she was to me. She was my sun, and I was her flower. Deprived without her, and blooming into beauty when she shone on me. The prison had no sunlight, but she was mine. My sun, my moon, my whole orbit.

My senses were drawn to attention when there was a bang on my cell bars. I looked up, and ironically, it was the woman who got me behind bars in the first place. Trish.

She looked me up and down, an eyebrow cockily raised.

"Hazel isn't here yet. I've came to take you to your group session." Her hands rested on her hips.

I clenched my fists, hiding them behind my leg.

"What about Isaac?" The words stifled from behind my lips.

"What about Isaac?" She asked, her eyes narrowing at me in suspicion.

"Don't you take him to group sessions?" Her body relaxed a little, and I smirked knowing that she didn't know that I knew she was the reason of Isaac's outburst. And that she was behind it all.

"Yeah, I've already took him. Now c'mon." She unlocked my cell, tapping her foot impatiently for me to get out.

I could end it. I could end it all now. Grab her tiny little neck in between my hands and squeeze the air from her lungs whilst she spluttered with wide eyes against my grip.

I let out a concealed groan at the wanted feeling, gripping onto my knee tightly to pretend it was her neck.

After a moment or so I forcefully pushed myself to my feet.

For Hazel, Harry. Behave.

My tongue traced over my dry lips as I walked out of the hell hole.

Trish gestured for me to walk ahead of her, and I did so with a roll of my eyes.

We made the walk down the familiar halls to one of the therapy rooms. I wasn't sure what it was today.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now