Part 42

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Around a week had passed since Harry and Jane had taken some video evidence we could use against Trish at court. And hope seemed to be rising day by day.

It was almost as if a blossom tree had been planted long ago, but only now were the petals beginning to fall; slowly, but they were falling. And then finally, the day would come where a great wind would allow the blossoms to run free together.

Just like the way I fell for Harry. Slowly, and then all at once.

It wasn't really of practical use to have big group meetings anymore. We knew Trish was the killer, we knew Miss Harrison knew about the meet ups, and we knew it was only a matter of time before we were uncovered.

So whenever meet ups did happen, Saf and Harry would stay with me in my office whilst Jane stayed in hers. Not telling Trish about them.

"What's your favourite colour Harry?" Saf smiled gently as she looked down at the beautiful mans face. He had his head on her lap and his legs sprawled across two chairs.

"Um...probably an ocean blue. Not clear, but not dirty." His eyes closed as Saf began to plait his hair again.

My heart warmed a little at the sight. And I realised. I realised that we would get out of here. And me and Harry would live in a beautiful little house away from here, somewhere by the coast. And Saf would often visit us, officially known as Harry's second sister.

As I stared at this man, I knew he was my everything. That I had found love. Something I never had felt before, or been given. The thought of him loving his own baby was an image that surely the Gods had created. Ever since Saf had brought it up, I couldn't stop thinking about how he would love his child unconditionally with all his heart. Maybe that child would be the final thing that could rid him of the bad thoughts and snaps.

Yes, I would have to deal with those once we got out of here. But maybe it was the walls. Maybe it was the asylum.

"Ah, I'm more a crimson red." Saf smiled, her thumb catching on his forehead slightly to brush over the skin.

"Hm, I wonder why." Harry chuckled, his eyes still closed.

I laid back on my office chair, taking a deep breath. I still didn't feel like myself after that night with Gale. And that was the worst part. I didn't want that to change me. I didn't want some worthless man to affect the way I saw myself and treated others. But somehow it did.

"Saf?" Her blue eyes looked up at me with a smile on her cheeks.

"Yes?" Once she got outside and the sun kissed her skin, she would have such a gorgeous glow about her.

"I never did actually find out how you ended up here. Y'know seeing as this is all nearly over, I think it's only right I find out the details." I grinned, my tongue underneath my right canine.

"Yeah, c'mon Saf. Spill." Harry's eyes opened, his lashes fluttering back.

"Okay, okay," she smiled, it faltering a little as she continued to braid Harry's hair, "I stabbed this man because he came into our house and tried to kill us. But I was so scared, and he wouldn't die or at least I thought he wasn't dead; so I kept stabbing. And then when I was in court I couldn't talk, and I couldn't react, and I was just messed up from it. So they sent me here to recover instead of prison, and I have done. But they sentenced me in here, and I know Miss Harrison never lets anyone out. So I had to act a little crazy so I wouldn't get beaten up. A small woman in here? Yeah that's like a recipe for disaster. But once you're in here, the only time you get to leave is when your body gets taken out the back."

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