Part 6

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I had gotten away the whole morning without seeing Harry.

Thank God.

I knew he was trouble, but I liked the challenge he always liked to throw me. It was different every day.

Ward A and B's common room time was up, and now it was time for the Ward C inmates to take their place.

The inmates began to trudge out, but Saf hung behind.

"Saf?" I frowned as she walked over to me, her wild eyes darting round frantically.

"What's wrong?" Her nails gripped onto my arm causing a few guards to look over.

"He's coming. He's coming over and I don't want to walk past him. He scares them. He scares them inside of me." She begged for help.

"Who's coming?" I asked, a frown forming on my face.

"Harry." She whispered.

A yelp escaped her lips and she hid behind me as the doors were pulled open.

Ward C inmates began to walk in, grumbling as they unwillingly sat down at the tables.

"Saf you really shouldn't be here now. Your Ward has gone."

It was at that moment Harry walked through the doors. His head was held high with his chest puffed out as he scanned the room. His lean figure made him all the more menacing as he stood broad in the doorway.

His eyes met mine, his grin sparking to life.

"Hello again Hazel." He confidently strode over, his head peaking to the side to find Saf cowering behind me.

"Please...please don't..." her voice quivered.

"It's okay little one. I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke to her like a little child.

His whole figure suddenly seemed innocent as he bent down a little.

She nervously stepped out from behind me.

He suddenly lunged a step towards her, causing a small squeal to leave her lips.

A devilish laugh rose from his lungs as he tilted his head towards the ceiling.

"C'mon Saf. Let's go." Trish took notice of her presence, walking over and holding onto her arm.

"Let's get you back to your cell." She nodded, allowing herself to be lead away whilst muttering inaudible words under her breath.

"What's her problem?" Harry smirked, leaning his cuffed hands against the indents of his hips.

"What's her problem? She's scared shitless of you and you just made it about 10 million times worse!" I snapped, angrily crossing my arms.

"Oh well. She's in a psycho asylum so she better get fucking used to it. And besides, everyone's already scared of me." The cockiness was radiating off of him.

"See how no ones sat at my table even though there's eight seats? They've all crammed themselves onto the rest." I looked behind him to see he was telling the truth.

"Believe me now? It's my table. Just like you are mine." He smirked, flicking his curls back as they delicately brushed over his eyes.

"Now c'mon." I rolled my eyes as I followed him over to the table.

"What are we gonna do today?" He asked, stretching out as we sat down.

"Um. There's not much to do apart from sit." My eyes kept wandering round in search of Gale.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now