Part 20

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Btw I haven't spell checked yet so don't get mad if it isn't 100% smooth.

Update: I have now spellchecked.



I anxiously awaited for that clock to turn 12. 12 was when all the inmates and guards would be at lunch and I would be with Harry in his cell, finding out what really happened.

Just to make sure I wasn't raising any suspicion at all, I waited for a few guards to go ahead of me and collect their inmates.

Finally I entered the room to where Harry was waiting impatiently to be collected.

Isaac was ranting on at him still.

The second Harry's eyes met mine, his face lit up and he came running over. Well, running isn't exactly the right word. I'd say 'limping jog' was more fit to describe his movement.

"Thank god, can we go? Isaac's driving me crazy." He gripped onto my arm.

I smiled, nodding.

After this new information I had acquired, he seemed different. Almost like a new, clean man. A new clean extremely handsome and innocent man.

I walked towards the canteen, looking around. No one was here. Good.

I grabbed onto his wrist, yanking him down the hallway which broke off. It would take a little longer to get to his cell, but I knew the way.

"Hazel? Where are we going?" He asked as I tugged him along.

"To your cell." I whispered, pausing every now and then to make sure we weren't being followed.

Call me crazy, but I was not taking any chances.

"But it's lunch?" Harry asked slowly.

"Yeah. I know." A sense of relief filled me as we turned right onto his lonely hallway.

"Then why are we here?" I ignored him, opening his cell up.

He stepped inside after me, walking over to his silk ropes. He placed his hands above his head, swinging back and forth on them.

"You're innocent." I smiled.

He froze, examining my features. My heart pounded. And then slowly, a grin formed on his face.

"Correct." His eye brows raised in pleasure.

"So now you can tell me. What happened Harry?" I bit my lip in anticipation.

"Well, I guess I do owe you the honour now don't I?" He shut his eyes, releasing a long sigh.

"It would seem so." His beautiful green eyes met mine and he started.

"Well, I'm going to start from when I was 17-"

"So it started before that?" I asked, shocked.

"Technically, yes. But 17 is where I want to start from so..." he trailed off, giving me a short smile. "So I was 17, and I was sleeping around a lot. It wasn't until a few months after it started that this one girl I slept with, Mary, was murdered after I left her house. I was a bit scared at first, as you would be, but didn't think much of it. Until it started happening with every single girl. It got to about number 5 when I realised this was serious. But how could I go to the police? After my past and all and the lack of evidence left behind by the murderer I would struggle to look innocent! And besides, I would have to fess up to having sex with them; which would make me in their eyes, the last person with them. There was someone murdering the women and leaving messages on them. I saw the messages in the newspaper, and I knew they were for me. But I was young, and I just kept sleeping around. I didn't care, I thought that if I showed the killer that I didn't care then they would stop. I can't help it, that's just who I am." His eyes turned to the floor as I stood there, absorbing all this new information.

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