Part 47 - FINAL

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3:17 is the part to listen to if you wanna join me. Idk I just imagine the part where Hazel is laying in Harry's arms talking about her last big adventure to have this song. And then now Harry is thinking back on the memories in the last few parts of this finale.

I'm already crying guys. And I've not even finished.



And just like that, I let go. I let go of all emotions, grinning to myself and crying into my hands with pure joy.

The people in the rows behind me all began to mumble to one another, delighted whispers being passed back and forth.

"We find Harry Styles previously accused of the rape of twenty women and the murder of nineteen to be...not guilty."

I sobbed even harder into my hands, Mark rubbing my back whilst whispering a 'you're free!' into my ear.

I nodded into my hands, pulling back. I smiled at the judge through tear filled eyes as she looked down at me.

We did it baby girl. We did it.

When I thought of this day all those years back, I always imagined dedicating my freedom to Emily. And although those wounds were still healing, my heart was with Hazel. Whatever shall be shall be.

"Harry Edward Styles you are freed from your prison sentence with the grant of two million pounds for your time wrongly spent. However, the court issues you to attend psychological therapy once every week to treat your condition caused by the time in the asylum."

I thanked the woman, I thanked her about a million times as the tears freely ran down my cheeks.

"Trish Latimer you are charged with the murder of nineteen women and will be sentenced to life in Eastwood Mental Asylum until you are deemed fit to return to the outside world."

Trish began to scream, pounding her fists on the glass as she yelled.

"I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill you all! She doesn't deserve him! None of you do!" Her yells were muffled through the glass, but I could still hear her screams as she was dragged out.

"Case closed." Mark stood up after the hammer was sent down a final time. Still in a daze, I followed his actions.

He grinned at me, shaking my hand. I merely blinked at the ground, not knowing what to say or do.

"What...what now?" I asked him quietly, watching as people began to leave the court room.

"Well now we're going to go out to the media and answer a few questions. You're a big hit, y'know? The whole town is talking about this case. And then you're going to be relocated, but you'll be able to keep your identity. Unless you want to change it. We're going to make this run as smoothly as possible." I followed Mark out, looking around.

He lead me down a flight of stairs, and I could see the large glass doors and windows to the outside world.

Cameras flashed and a large group of people swarmed the area. I whimpered a little, taking a step back.

I didn't think I would be...but I was...scared. I was scared of the world I had long forgotten seven years ago.

"You alright?" Mark asked, resting his hand on my shoulder.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now