Part 18

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I couldn't physically handle Harry not being in his cell. It had been two days since I last saw him being whipped and beaten. He hadn't been released back, and I soon began to lose my shit.

Gale was in the ward's hospital still being treated. Honestly, he started the whole thing. It was his fault, if anything why would he intentionally say something that he knew would trigger Harry? That's what left me curious.

I begin to fidget back and forth on my chair as I sat in the corner of the canteen. Where the outbreak previously had taken place.

Due to it, food was even crapper than usual. Which I didn't think was even physically possible.

"Lighten up Haze," Trish rested her hand on my shoulder, standing beside me.

"I know, I just...Gale and Harry..." I trailed off, looking up at her.

"Well Harry made the mistake when he tried to kill Miss Harrison's son. God, I can't believe he didn't even realise." She shook her head.

"I guess Gale's privileged there. Anything he does or did he can get away with because of his mum." I tapped my foot against the ground.

"Yeah," She didn't seem bothered or interested.

"Kitty?" My eyes followed the voice to where Saf was sat.

She was glaring at me with those big blue eyes.

"Hang on Trish," I pushed off from my seat, walking over to sit across from her at the table.

"You've been ignoring me." The second I met her glance, she spoke.

"No-I've not it's just-"


My brow furrowed and mouth fell open slightly. How did she...?

"He's changing you. Isn't he?"

I looked over at Trish. Had she said something to her?

"Saf I don't know what you're on about." I sighed, clasping my hands together on the table.

"His voices keep whispering about you. Saying you're nearly his. And you're nearly there."

What the fuck?

"Saf, I don't understand. Please explain." I begged, dumbfounded as to what she was talking about.

"Oh angel, there's always so much you don't get. I know you're gonna understand soon though. You will. And it will all be so clear." She rested her hand on top of mine.

"Okay, but until then; will you tell me?" This was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Don't trust people Kitty. You know in your heart what to do." She gave me a small smile, and for once she seemed...normal.

"He's back." She suddenly sat up straight.

"Huh?" I leant towards her.

"Yeah, look. He's being taken down the hall." Harry? Gale? Who?

And then just like that, it was time for Ward A and B to leave and C to enter.

"Remember what I said sweet pea." She rose from her chair, skipping off to the doorway where they were being escorted out.

I gripped my hair tightly as I processed all this new information. Was she just crazy? Surely.

With my head spinning I rose to my feet. I had to hide that Harry's absence was affecting me.

"Uh, Trish?" I walked over to her, watching as slowly Ward C entered.

"What's up?" She smiled softly, telling Isaac to go and sit down.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now