Part 37

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"What the fuck are we gonna do!?" Harry angrily paced back and forth in his cell.

This morning, at 10:30 was when Saf was going in for testing. And by testing, I mean she was being sent to her death.

Harry was a mess. I arrived early as I was expecting this, and I had been stood here for the past hour and a bit. It was currently 10. We had 30 minutes.

He seemed to have gotten no sleep, and his hair had been constantly pulled at.

"Harry I've tried everything! It's not gonna fucking help by getting angry." I crossed my arms as he scowled at me from behind the bars.

God, there had to be something. Something that could get us out of this shitty mess.

"You've tried everything? Let me illiterate that sentence again. Have you tried, everything?" He gripped his hair tightly in his fingers. His soft beautiful curls.

I hesitated. Because I wasn't being truthful. Around 1 in the morning when I was laying in bed, I had a thought. Gale bumped Safiya's name up the waiting list before as he got something in return from her. So if I made an offer myself...perhaps he would be able to change things. I'm sure, whatever he says momma goes by.

"You're willing to try anything? And I mean anything." I slowly asked. Saf had sacrificed herself for Harry before, and now I was going to return the favour.

"Yes. Anything and everything to get her safe. I don't care what it takes." He turned to me, biting his lip anxiously. "Why, have you got a plan?"

I couldn't tell him. He would go berserk, and would yell for me not to. And insist there had to be another way. But there wasn't another way. Not if he wanted me to save his much treasured little sister.

"Hazel?" He pushed, his brow furrowing as he stepped over to me. His chest pushed against the bars as he held them.

"What are you thinking?" His teeth nervously chewed his lip, blood beginning to draw.

I stepped over, holding my lips to his through the bars. When I pulled back, I could taste the familiar irony taste of blood on my lips. I wiped it away, taking a deep breath.

"Just stay calm okay. I'll be back soon." I turned and headed, wincing as I heard his calls and pleads for me to come back.

I needed to get this sorted. I needed to find Gale.

My feet seemed to drag as I made the sickening walk past Saf's cell. It was empty. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought if I failed. Empty, to be used for a new psychopath soon enough. Trish deserves a cell of her own.

I wanted to vomit as I knocked on Gale's office door.

"Come in!" His deep throaty voice called out.

With shaking hands, I made my way in.

C'mon Hazel. You can do this.

His room was plain, like the whole asylum. But his desk was a little fancier and he had a strong oak cupboard and a nice rug. Privileged.

"Hi Gale." I made sure to make myself present, boldly walking over to where he sat behind his desk.

"Hazel? What're you doing here?" He questioned behind a furrowed brow and confused eyes.

"I have a proposal." I breathed out, placing both my hands down on the desk.

"Which is...?" He trailed off, leaning back on his chair.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now