Part 27

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It was a rainy day today, miserable and cloudy. Which perfectly matched the atmosphere in our investigation room.

Nothing was matching up. There were leads, which lead to ultimately nothing we could use.

My fingers rubbed my temples as I merely stared at the letters on the wall.


We wrote down a small list of words which we could see within, but none really jumped out at us.

Right now, I was sat next to Jane as she loaded up a video from 2009. Harry would of been 16 and Gale 17. A year before they were to be released.

Trish wasn't here, dealing with Isaac and trying to find out more information on what happened between him and Harold.

"It's like a fucking riddle." I grumbled, the letters laughing at me as I struggled to make sense of it.

"Here. It's loaded." Jane mumbled, scowling at the screen as the quality wasn't the best.

I tore my eyes from the wall, shuffling closer to get a view.

Harry was laying on a white hospital bed, with the sheets halfway covering his robe dressed body. Wires attached to his arms and a bandage was secured all around his head. His hair was shorter and curlier and his face was more innocent. The audio was quiet, but at least it was something.

My eyes quickly snapped to the left of the screen as a door opened, a female nurse and a young man walking in. 17 year old Gale. His hair was in a long mop and he was a lot slimmer.

"So...he's not going to remember anything?" His higher pitched voice asked as he walked over to Harry.

"No. So he won't recall the fight." Gale sighed in relief as the nurse fidgeted with the wires attached to my damaged angel.

Silence filled the air between the two.

"Gale...I think it's best to drop those allegations." She was interrupted by a scoff.

"I know what I saw. And you saw what he did to me." His arms crossed.

"Yes, but it will only get you two more time here. And young boys like you, you deserve a life. Not to be stuck in this shit hole I call work. If you drop it, you two will be free to go. Your time was up here anyway, and if you take the allegations any further there will be another court case."

What allegations? What court case? It was annoying as I couldn't ask Harry. But the only person I could ask was Gale. And I think we all knew that wouldn't end well.

"Whatever." And with that, Gale stormed out.

And the clip ended.

So Gale did, as far as it looks, drop the allegations.

"Are you gonna ask Harry?" Jane spoke suddenly, taking me off guard.

"What? Oh...I mean, I think I have to. I'm gonna get him in my office after lunch and talk to him about it. Not everything, just ask him what he remembers from his old asylum...what was it called?" My heart began to thud, like an old racecar excited for its time back on the road.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now