Part 21

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Somehow, everything had changed. I know saw things differently. Harry was innocent, and lights seem to burst around my void. It all seemed perfect.

But even though it was beautiful, I still sensed something lurking behind the madness. Something dark, like an oblivion of darkness waiting to swallow it all up.

The next day, I knocked on Jane's office door knowing that this was when she had her free time slot. I also wasn't baby sitting Harry as he was at his group therapy session.

"Come in!" Her old voice called out.

I walked in, and her body relaxed a little at the sight of me.

"Hi Jane." I smiled brightly, walking over to her desk.

"Hey Hazel. Is there something I can do for you?" She asked, taking a sip from her plastic cup.

"Um. Yes actually, I'm here to prove Harry's innocence." It sounded so casual, yet it held so much importance.

"And you trust me with this, because?" My swagger and confidence dropped a little then.

I took a seat opposite her desk.

"Well because I've known you for ages, and I think that you'll help me. I trust you, and I'm thinking you trust me?" My voice raised a little in hope.

She sighed, running her hands through her hair. Me and Jane got along, and I was hoping she would do me this one small favour.

"Lock that door." She muttered, caving.

I grinned, rushing over and twisting the key.
As I approached she pressed a few buttons on her computer, and the security cameras notably drooped from the corner of my eye; signalling they had been turned off.

"So you think he's innocent too?" I asked, taking my seat again onto the red cushioned chair.

"Well, innocent enough to not be here, I think anyone who works with him can see that. Harry's had his past in mental constitutions as a kid, I know that. But I don't have access to his files. The doctors do." She tapped her nails on the desk with a frown.

"Wait-he used to be in a constitution?" I asked surprised, this information new to me.

"Yeah his mum sent him. He heard voices in his head telling him to do bad things, so he cried to his mum and begged the doctors to take him away before he did something bad. He didn't want to hurt the ones he loved. So then he ended up in a kid's constitution, and they tested on him. So he stayed there until he was 16, and just about got out."

So he was psycho. I knew that all along, but it seemed crazy. Like him.

And, just about got out?

"He doesn't need to be in here. He is psycho, but not enough to be stuck in this hell hole." She tapped on her computer, shaking her head.

"Is there any relation with Gale Harrison?" I asked, twisting my hands together.

"Miss Harrison's son? The guard? Now why would you be asking me that?" She rotated her computer a little so we could both see the photos and footage of Harry in his younger years.

"I overheard him. Talking something of his past with Harry? When they were younger or something? I don't really know what I heard, but he mentioned them being 18 if it helps. He said that was when 'it happened'." I chewed the inside of my cheek.

She sighed, shrugging her shoulders a little as a video of Harry played; him a scared little kid. Maybe 14? He was so timid and afraid. He was being interviewed and he wouldn't stop crying. The sound was on quietly so I could only catch a few words of what he was saying.

Requiem (Psycho Harry) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now