Chapter 1 || Run

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"Brandon can you go and wake up Toby, please?" Arya asked with a warm smile despite being mildly exhausted.

"M'kay," Brandon mumbled softly before running out of the room.

Arya paced into the kitchen and found herself looking at the calendar. It had been four weeks now since the disappearance of her parents. It almost seemed as though they had disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace.

The brunette had went to the police after a couple of days but they refused to file a missing persons report solely because her parents were adults so therefore they were quite capable of looking after themselves. Furthermore because she was seventeen and employed, she was an adult and therefore capable of looking after her brothers.

It was common knowledge that the police were very corrupt, many of them were secretive double agents for gangs and criminal master minds of the underworld. Arya was convinced that the police wouldn't help her in order to cover their own backs. The very thought was extremely frustrating because there was slim to no chance of the authorities offering her help.

Arya had been looking after her younger brothers for four weeks. Brandon was seven and Toby was four, sometimes it was a handful but she was naturally maternal so it didn't bother her as much as she originally anticipated.

Brandon would frequently ask where mum and dad were and Arya would tell him that they went on holiday and would be home soon. But something told her that they would not be home soon.

At this point Arya had lost all hope in her parents coming home at all and it scared her that she was now responsible for two little kids.

Shaking off her thoughts the brunette stalked into the living room. She stripped from her pyjamas and took the bundle of clothes that were neatly folded on the sofa. Arya slipped into a pair of ripped denim jeans and a white shirt. She shivered and picked up her black thin hoodie which was lying across the arm chair.

The female padded upstairs to the bathroom and quickly brushed her hair and teeth. She then walked across the hallway to the kitchen.

The female started to pour pancake mixture which she had made the previous night, onto the sizzling pan.

It was the summer holidays so Arya had to take her little brothers to work with her. She left school a while ago to work at a gaming manufacturing company where she designed video games. The manager was nice and he let Arya's little brothers sit in the gaming room as long as they didn't cause any sort of trouble.

"I made pancakes!"Arya yelled loudly and she smiled to herself as she heard the little pitter-patter of feet coming downstairs.

The blue eyed girl picked up Toby causing him to squeal loudly as she sat him in his high chair. "You're getting quite heavy little one." She patted his blonde hair.

Arya turned and lifted up the pan and spatula, she served the two boys an equal amount of pancakes. Toby clapped his tiny hands, and Brandon grinned.

Arya sat down next to her youngest brother and helped him put syrup on his pancakes. She then cut them up into small pieces.

"Aren't you going to have any?" Brandon asked, his gaze fluctuated from Toby who was now covered in syrup, to his sister who was cutting up his pancakes.

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