Chapter 33 || Monopoly and Lollipops

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There was a knock on the door and this time Arya answered it. She screamed in delight as she seen three figures in the door way. "JACKSON! OH MY GOD TOBY AND BRAN!" She screamed as she forced the three of them into a hug.

"Sissy! U-uncle Jackson g-got us ice cweam!" Toby yelled happily.

"Did he now?" Arya giggled. "Did you say thank you?"

"Y-ywes, uncle j-Jackie saved us from the ewvil men's that h-hurt Bran Bran!" Toby squealed and Arya's face fell.

She noticed a large scar going down Brandon's cheek that was healing. The boy had a couple of bruises trailing down his arms and his eyes looked darker than Arya had remembered. "B-Brandon," she whispered before bringing her little brother into a hug.

"I wasn't going to let them hurt my brother," Brandon mumbled into her shoulder. "W-where were you? They said you weren't gonna come for me but I didn't b-believe them!" Brandon stammered.

"It's okay, you're okay and I'm here. I'm always here Branny," Arya whispered as she soothed her seven year old brother who was crying due to his traumatic experiences. "He wouldn't stopped screaming in the cell Arrie, he - he started screaming for mummy and daddy at first but after a day he started screaming for you, and it went on for weeks and I couldn't take it." The boy sobbed and Arya wiped his tears with her thumb.

"Branny, you listen here. You are the bravest boy I know and I am not letting you out of my sight. I'm going to protect both of you because I love you." Squeezed his shoulder.

"I love you too," Brandon mumbled quietly.

"What is all this noise?" A figure came to the door and Arya turned to see Yoongi. She noticed that he tensed as soon as he seen Jackson.

"Oooo- f-flu-fluffy hair!" Toby squealed and he ran over to Yoongi. Yoongi turned soft and gave the boy a gummy smile, he even bent down so that Toby could touch his mint hair. "Ooooo grween!"

Yoongi laughed at the little boy, "I- I want a l-lollipop!" Toby said abruptly.

"Well why don't you come inside and I'll see what I can find then huh?" Yoongi asked ruffling Toby's dark hair.

Toby looked at Arya for approval and she nodded, "Toby, remember your manners."

"T-thwank you!" He stuttered before taking Yoongi's hand and walking into the house.

"I don't like that man," Jackson said biting his lip.

"Well here's the thing-" Arya began but she was cut off.

"Jackson, Brandon! Why don't you two come inside?" It was Namjoon and Arya raised her eyebrow at him. He didn't like Jackson, and he didn't like the fact that Jackson was part of GOT7. She had no idea as to why Namjoon invited them inside.

Cautiously Jackson stepped inside, Brandon took Arya's hand and walked inside with her. "I'll get snacks!" Jin yelled from somewhere and Arya giggled.

"Oh so is this the big boy Brandon I've heard about?" Jimin asked and Brandon looked nervous but he nodded. "You're very tall you're almost the same height as me!" Jimin said causing Brandon to laugh. Obviously this was not true and Brandon was nowhere near any of the teenagers heights but it made him feel better.

"Taehyung-yah watch your step," Hoseok instructed as he guided the boy to the living room.

"Is that Brandon? Oh my god he's adorable!" Hoseok said smiling at the boy who gave him a grin.

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